View Full Version : I Need To Vent

Colonel SB
07-25-03, 07:52 AM
Well my little male patternless is not doing so great anymore...First a little background I picked him up at a pet store because he was lookin a little skinny...Anyways he's been de-wormed by my vet and I took him back yesterday and this time no worms yay, but he is eating like crazy and still not gaining weight it looks like he is loosing weight :( grrr this is very frustrating I'm gonna weight him tonight & see how he's doing. I weight all my leo's every friday :) Thanks for listnin.

Mr. Gray
07-25-03, 09:53 AM
i will listen as long as you talk

07-25-03, 10:03 AM
Pets can be so stressful sometimes! Especially if there's a problem you don't know how to treat. I've spent so much time worrying about my leos! I hope your's is alright.


07-25-03, 10:30 AM
Ahh that sux man, Hopefully he can start gaining weight and doing a lot better. Good luck! Maybe a few wax worms?

07-25-03, 10:55 AM
In the meantime, you should hand feed him a special diet. If you want me to tell you how and what, send me a PM. Well, all I can say is that I hope that he gets better :( In your hands, I'm sure that he will, though.

07-25-03, 11:01 AM
Are you properly guttloading your feeder bugs?
If not, then the bugs are basically empty shells of nothing special.

07-25-03, 01:46 PM
I've been through this problem. Good luck, and keep records on his food intake, type of food, etc. Keep us updated!

Colonel SB
07-25-03, 06:52 PM
Yeah he gets all sorts of incest's circkets, mealies, wax worms...Silkworms soon. They are gut loaded and dusted just to be on the safe side. Right now I am twezer feeding him everyday! I am deffinatly not going into anymore pet stores I always end up with a rescue.

Tim and Julie B
07-25-03, 09:32 PM
Usually takes a while after de-worming for them to begin to gain weight. It takes such a toll on them that even once they start eating, it doesn't mean that they can recover 100%. But, if he is eating on it's own then that's a huge step in the right direction. Good to here he's worm free!:D

07-26-03, 10:00 AM
No kidding, Tim & Julie - I'm still waiting for my baby to eat on her own... and it's been well over a month since she's been dewormed. (Last day of meds was June 13, I believe). I can't get her interested no matter what, so, Colonel, be glad your guy is eating! Good luck with him!

Colonel SB
07-27-03, 03:28 AM
Well he ate on his own today yay! All I did was pinch the crickets hind legs so they couldn't jump and he ate 3 whoo hoo.

07-28-03, 09:12 AM
Remember that he needs to rebuild a lot of intricate little parts in that body of his. It may be a couple of weeks to several weeks before that tail starts to swell. Eating is good!


07-28-03, 09:18 AM
Hope it all works out for you good luck
