View Full Version : Venemous Snake Keepers In BC(Okanagan Area)

07-25-03, 07:30 AM
Hi All,

If the is anyone in the Okanagan or surrounding area who keep venemous species of snakes please let me know. I would love to see your operation and learn what I can. I am also willing to help out any way I can by doing volunteer work in for the learning in return. I am inexperienced with venemous species but it has been my passion to learn about them.
Any responses are appreciated.

Hope to hear from you,

07-25-03, 07:42 AM
You may want to post these in the venomous forum. You have a targeted audience and it is less likely to get buried.

07-25-03, 07:48 AM
reptiguy, from where you say your moving to , i believe i just saw a post that they have introduced a reptile ban there. you may want to check before either A) Moving there, or B) aquireing new herps, specially hots. Just FYI

07-25-03, 01:40 PM
Its not too widespread.. I think its just in Kelowna right now. You'll probably be fine.. the ban is for aquiring new reptiles. I don't think it affects you if you owned the reptiles before the ban. There are quite a few herpers in the Okanagan. (like me:D) I havn't met any hot keepers yet though. I think there's a facility that carries native reptiles, like diamondbacks, out here somewhere, you might want to check them out. I could probably look up the address for you if you wanted. Hope this helps. ~TR~

07-25-03, 07:22 PM
There are venomous laws throughout Canada and the new laws in BC have banned venomous reptiles. Sorry mate but you may have an upward struggle ahead of you. There is however one person who keeps hots legally (yes, only one!), but I've only heard of him. He's supposed to be up north or something. Pretty low profile guy.