View Full Version : is it legal to bring back a leopard tortoise from my trip to new york?

07-24-03, 09:11 AM
Would like to know if it is legal or not..

can i just bring it back without doing any paper work and stuff like that?


07-24-03, 11:05 AM
You would need to consult both the counties where you have or are planning to collect the animal, and the county in which you wish to introduce it. Call Humane Societies and/or veterinarians, they should be able to direct you.

07-24-03, 07:03 PM
Actually, it's much more simple than all that.

No, it can not be done legally. Not only are all tortoises listed on CITES Appendix I or Appendix II (therefor would require an application for export CITES paperwork/inspections/etc.), but the Canadian gov't won't allow them into the country anyway. This was influenced a few years back by the red eared slider craze, I believe.

I hear it is possible to obtain a permit to bring in turtles and tortoises legally, but not for resale and only in very small numbers. You also have to agree to not ever sell the animal(s) or offspring that may be produced from them. Even if this was accepted (which could take quite some time) you would still need a Canadian import/export permit, and your seller in the US would need a US import/export permit as well. You would also need to book inspections at both sides of the border (which cost more money yet again)

There are a few other doc's that may be necissary as well to bring CITES listed species across International borders depending on what point of exit/entry you are using (it has to be a designated port by fish and wildlife).

Best wishes,

07-24-03, 10:35 PM
it is difficult to own a tortoise in canada.........

it sucks.................. why can't we just be like USA?

07-25-03, 03:44 PM
Legally you can not bring ANY turtles or tortoises into Canada, unless they are for a zoo, or research purposes. The only other way turtles or tortoises can be brought into the country is if you have lived outside of Canada for more than six months, acquired them as pets and know want to move back permanently.

Hope this helps,


Turtle Matt
07-26-03, 05:42 PM
Why was my other post deleted?

08-14-03, 12:30 PM
why can't we just be like USA?
Careful what you wish for. All turtle and tortoises are illegal to keep in the state of TN in the great USA. Ha ha.

08-14-03, 12:38 PM
it is very legal to bring turtless+tort's into the country as i have done it numerous times,on the other hand the majority of people will not qualify. they will inspect your home to see how they will be housed and will want to know what qualifications you have for keeping them. you will need cites paperwork for any that require it...but to be honest it's a pain in the butt...but can be done.

08-15-03, 04:21 PM
NO.... you are breaking three sets of laws:
1.) Illgegally exporting an animal from the US (you need a permit from US F&W); you'd need an export license and bring it through a Designated port and an export examination fee
2.) Illegally importing an animal to Canada (you need an CFIA import permit)
3.) CITES laws - a leopard tort os listed on Appendix II - you would have to apply months ahead for a CITES permit from the US

It is possible to import turts & torts for personal use, but you must keep it and any off springs. You may not sell or give away.

It takes a couple of months of preparation to bring a tort into Canada legally. It would be easier to buy one in Canada, but more costly. However, many people bring animals illegally over the border... which I would not recommend.


08-15-03, 04:33 PM
i just bought a tortoise of some guy i met on this site about a week ago and i didnt have to do any of that. Do you only have to do that if your bringing it from the usa to canada??

08-15-03, 06:36 PM
As mentioned above it is possible to get permits for Appendix II species, but Canadian CITES generally does not give permits for Appendix I. They also like to have proof that they are captive bred. The permits are pricey and usually take months to acquire. Leopards are available in Canada, just pricey. And for Adam Bartman, CITES paperwork is only required for transfer between countries.

08-16-03, 10:42 AM
Originally posted by Bartman
i just bought a tortoise of some guy i met on this site about a week ago and i didnt have to do any of that. Do you only have to do that if your bringing it from the usa to canada??

You only need permits if you wnat to bring it across the border... :)
