View Full Version : Hognose anyone?

07-09-02, 10:12 PM
Okay, so I saw a hognose upclose and thing they're cute. Other than albino, are there other morphs?

Can anyone recommend a good site that specializes in these beauties and are they very easy to take care of or difficult? Let's just say, if having a finicky eating ball python is difficult, I think I can handle something easier.

07-18-02, 01:26 AM
There are a lot of morphs! my personal favorite is the leucistic, but that's fairly recent so it's hard to find pictures. I'll send you some pics if you email me privately. wolfchan@centralpets.com

My two favorite sites to see pictures of hogs are http://www.cfsnakes.com and http://www.albinohognose.com

A word of caution; while Hogs are easy to care for and wonderful pets, just make sure you get a cb baby that's already feeding on mice. NEVER feed it any amphibians or you'll have a hell of a time switching him or her back. I've never had a problem with my boy, but I hear a lot of people grumbling. Easterns are supposedly more difficult than Westerns. Westerns are cuter anyways IMO, and there's a much bigger variety available.

Good luck!

08-01-02, 12:37 PM
I have to disagree while there are not many people breeding Easterns like there are westerns. I think that Easterns are byfar the prettiest with the Mexican hognose right behind it.