View Full Version : Albino Ball Python
Python Regius
07-23-03, 05:45 AM
I’m wondering…
I very much like the albino BP. Now if I were to buy one, where would I go? How much is the standard pricing and what about shipping. I’m from Europe.
I guess it’s too late to get one still this year but maybe next year.
Any help is appreciated.
07-23-03, 09:06 AM
they run from $3000-$4000 us dollars. Not sure on how much shipping is. You cant find any thing in Europe? Try **************
ive seen them available. tak e care Nick
07-23-03, 09:07 AM
try kingsnake dot com sorry they dont let you post websites
07-23-03, 08:28 PM
Does anyone know how much a piebald would go for? My partner would really love one of those babies!
Anywhere from $8,500 to over $20,000 USD depending on patterning and amount of white.
Python Regius
07-24-03, 05:10 AM
What would be an alternative? I mean It is possible to breed albina with a het albino. But do I rather take a het male or female.
07-24-03, 05:42 AM
You can buy a 100% het albino male, and a 100% het albino female, breed them together and get Albino babies. That's the cheaper but longer way than just buy 2 albinos.
Python Regius
07-24-03, 09:07 AM
Can somebody post a pic of a 100% het albino?
are the babies always albino's are is there a change that some of them are 'normal'? And if I think a bit further. Will the babies of the albino's be 100 % albino at all times.
07-24-03, 09:22 AM
A 100% het albino ball looks like a normal ball but carries the genetic gene for albino. If you get 1.1 100% het albinos you will spend about $1000. When you breed these one out of every 4 babys will be albino. 2 will be 100% het albino and one will be normal. So you get an albino and some 66% Het for albinos due to not knowing which ones are hets and normals. If you breed an albino and a 100% het albino out of every two eggs you get one albino and one 100% het albino. Hope this helps. take care Nick
B.O.A. asbl
07-24-03, 12:53 PM
But suppose that he would have bad luck, it is possible that 2 babies are 100% het albino and 2 are normal? Right.
07-24-03, 01:18 PM
those are just the odds per every four eggs for the hets and every two eggs for the albino to het. We leave the rest up to mother nature. take care Nick
Big Mike
07-24-03, 01:21 PM
As far as I know....the odds are what SD said.
But if you get 4 eggs you are not going to get one albino for sure.
Each egg has a 25% chance of being an albino, 50% chance of being het and 25% chance of being normal...regardless of how the other eggs turn out.
07-25-03, 01:49 AM
Python Regius
07-25-03, 03:09 AM
Thanks, I know because they look just as the ‘normal’ ones. But I intend to try breeding.
So if I want to increase my ‘changes’ for an albino than I can rather take one 100 % het albino and one albino. That way I’ll be almost sure that if I breed I get at least one albino baby. Is it better to take male as 100 % het albino or does that not matter.
07-25-03, 09:03 AM
Get a albino male and a 100% het female. If you can get two or three 100% het females. One male can breed 5-6 snakes. Good luck with your breeding. take care Nick
I thought you were going to try breeding to hatch out an Albino to save money? Well if you have the money for an Albino and a het for Albino, I would suggest getting a Albino male and four 50% possible het for Albino females. Four poss het females should cost close to the same as one 100% het female. This way you may have more than one het and all of the offspring will be 100% het for Albino.
Good Luck!:D
07-25-03, 11:31 AM
YOu take a gamble with the 50% hets, if you want a sure thing go with the 100% hets. take care Nick
Yes you gamble with genetics with 50% hets but you gamble with producing eggs with only one female.
07-25-03, 12:50 PM
true Ron, thats why i suggested getting two to three 100% hets. It seems we both have are ways of going about things. im just not the gambling type. take care Nick
07-25-03, 02:32 PM
if i do any ball breeding i will 100% het from snow(all white) and het 100% from pied ball and see what happens i might get hets from a piedball after my friends babys hatch
If you did that breeding you would have a normal looking poss triple het. It would be 50% het for Albino, 50% het for Axanthic and 50% het for Piebald.
B.O.A. asbl
07-26-03, 08:53 AM
I was wondering can you get through a blood example know with ones are het or normal?
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