View Full Version : Problem with Red Flame/ midnight wraith Black eyed bearded Dragon

Greg West
07-22-03, 10:00 AM
I have a problem that I was hoping you would be able to help me with. Ever since I got my baby bearded dragon, it hasn't eaten or grown much. Within the last couple of days it has lost all of its body fat and isn't doing much good. I am going to try and get to the vet tomorrow, but I am too busy at work today to get time off to go. Yesterday his vent was really extended with poop sticking out. I pulled out all that I could and it went back to normal, but obviously was not a good sign. He isn't as active, but when I try and force feed i can feel him trying to pull away so he is still fighting. I had been told to hand feed chicken casserole baby food, and have been for the last couple of days, but was wondering if you had any other ideas?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

07-22-03, 08:27 PM
You're little baby sure doesn't sound very good. You need to go to a qualified reptile vet ASAP. I need a few questions answered before I can suggest anything you can do at home.

1. How old is your dragon?
2. How long have you had him?
3. Where did you get him from?
4. How big is your dragon now and how big was he when you got him?
5. What are you feeding him and is he eating it?

I really wouldn't wait around for people on here to tell you some at home remedies especially if your dragon is doing so poorly. Please do yourself and your dragon a favor and go to a vet ASAP. Please keep us updated and I wish you good luck.