View Full Version : Green Basilisk help

07-22-03, 02:31 AM
I'm building a custom enclosure for a Green Basilisk I am Purchasing and am wondering how much uv they require? and also can they be put on a leash like a Iguana. I'm wondering because I want to take them outside to catch some rays every once and awhile but they are very fastand dont wann lose Him.

07-23-03, 07:26 PM
no expert on basalisks but im pretty sure you would be able to find a leash small enough to fit him/her. You could find one for almost any lizard. Why dont you try to make a small outdoor enclosure for it?

Tim and Julie B
07-23-03, 07:46 PM
Leashing a basilisk is extremely stressful. They are reclusive animals that MAY tolerate handling, eventually. If you want to take it outside it would be better to build an outdoor enclosure with partial shade. As for how much UV they need, it is advisable to have their full daytime cycle under a UV light. They are suseptable to metabolic bone disease and require a lot of calcium supplementation, which is why the UV is so important. UV aids in the absorption of calcium.

07-23-03, 08:34 PM
Ok thnx alot il build a nice outdoor enclosure for him.

07-23-03, 09:46 PM
as t&j b said they're very easily stressed, and quite skittish. beautiful to look at, but more of a viewing animal than a hands on animal.