View Full Version : BP skin care

07-21-03, 08:29 PM
My oldest BP's skin color is dull. He is not going into shed....could there be a big problem for this? You know how baby's skin looks all nice and shiny. Well his is not, it's just dull black, olive, and yellow(gold)......He had a good shed last time....so how can I make his skin nice and shiny again???

07-21-03, 08:44 PM
Babies are much more brilliantly coloured than adults are. They usually get darken up some and get more dull as they mature. It should still be just as shiny however. If he is shedding fine his humidity must be fine. I wouldn't be overly worried about it, as long as everything else appears normal. If it really bothered you, you could give him a little bit of unflavoured pedialyte, that stuff really gives them an added boost and brings out their appearance and appettite :) If you do choose to administer it to him, make sure it is just a small amount.

07-21-03, 08:50 PM
What amount would you suggest?? I'm not overly worried about it. But I didn't know if that was normal and the ball python manual didn't cover it......And how would I give it to him? (the him I'm talking about is the female that I was refering to in all my other posts, was sexed today and found to be a male!)

07-21-03, 09:28 PM
You can just inject it into the rat/mouse prior to feeding. If your snake isn't feeding, you can give it with a syringe, some people use an eyedropper with success as well. I don't know the weight of your snake, but I do recall it being about 3.5' in length? I'd say probably about 2cc is fine.

07-21-03, 09:32 PM
yes about 3.5 in length and about 1 and a half pounds......does that sound right?? What do you mean it brings out their appetite? Also.....I fed him a rat about a week ago, how long should it take before he goes to the "bathroom"....lol

07-21-03, 10:10 PM
I have heard that Reptile Vitamin Powder(the Calcium only stuff) helps intensifies the colours of snakes and other reptiles.

07-22-03, 05:24 PM
Ok scratch that...I measured him last night and he is exactly 3 ft....so how much would I give to him if he is only 3 feet?