View Full Version : How often do you handle your snakes?

07-21-03, 03:52 PM
Sometimes I feel like a neglectful mother, because I just don't have time to take out my snakes often enough. How often do you guys take them out and handle them?

07-21-03, 04:04 PM
Most of mine are not "handleable" ;) But I do try to take out most nonvens fairly often so I dont give them a killer feeding response everytime the cage is opened.

07-21-03, 04:12 PM
My burms are real mellow so I only handle them 3 times a week for a few minutes. My blood I handle every day, he is very easy to handle. I spend most of my time working with my nile. I need to work alot more with him.

Bryce Masuk
07-21-03, 04:28 PM
I do it whenever I want no order or whatever
Snake's dont "like" handling so you neglecting them will not make them "sad" they get used to handling and that's it they are not emotionally attached to you so have no worry's

07-21-03, 05:35 PM
They might not like it, or get emotionally attached to you, but you have to handle the snakes to make sure they don't get that wild instinct back. You don't want a 13 foot burm attacking because he thinks your a predator do you?

07-21-03, 05:39 PM
I try and handle at least 2-3 snakes a day after all the general maintenance has been done.

07-21-03, 05:50 PM
Can't answer the poll because its different with each snake. I handle my burm almost every day....she is very calm and I'd like to keep her that way;) so I handle her alot, plus she gets wrangy in her tank if she's not out for a couple of days. My b.p.'s and variable king are always on the move when out and a bit timid so I handle them about once a week. My guyana redtail hides alot so I don't handle her more than once a week because when she's out she just looks for a place to hide.

07-21-03, 06:33 PM
Yeah I'm with Yvonne, but I voted several times a week. I have 8 snakes, soon to be 9 and it just varies for each. But I at least try to hold each one about 3 times a week of not more. I get my burmese python out almost every singe day for about an hour because she's just the most enjoyable to handle, and I want her to turn into a nice mellow adult.

07-21-03, 06:55 PM
I only handle mine for general maintenance (ie- cleaning, etc). As Bryce mentioned, your snakes do not enjoy your company so the less you handle them the happier they are... nothing neglectful about it ;)

07-21-03, 07:05 PM
I handle my ball python about 3 or 4 times a week just for a bit of exercise, I handle my king 4 times a week because she stil musks once in a while and I want to be rid of that, and my baby carpet I handle 2 or 3 times a week so it doesn't stress out, so several times a week.

07-22-03, 01:51 AM
Linds described how I care for my snake when it comes to handling..

You don't want a 13 foot burm attacking because he thinks your a predator do you

You should always use safe handling methods with herps, no matter how timid they seem.

07-22-03, 07:06 AM
i handle mine once a day, sometimes more, since 2 are the kids i like to keep them used to it

07-22-03, 10:45 AM
I handle mine when they are awake cos they get all jumpy if i wake them up.

07-22-03, 11:43 AM
After feeding my snakes, I give them about 3-4 days to begin digesting. After that, I handle them every day, so they can get their exercise. They may not like handling, but they sure love getting out of the enclosure to slither around for a while. (Well, the corns do, anyway....)

I find that they are more calm when they are handled if it is done more often.

07-22-03, 12:02 PM
I answered several times a week, but that needs to be qualified. I handle my regular snakes several times a week. As a hot keeper, when dealing with those alone I would have to respond rarely and wish I could respond never but each one has had to be hand held at some point. I'm sure in some collections of all non-vens some animals are hands on and others are display only.

07-22-03, 12:22 PM
I was gonna say couple of times a week, but if I think of every individual snake.. it has to be less.

We take them out as often than when we had 2 snakes, but now it's everybodys turn, so we take them out every 2 days, but not allways the same snakes, so other than their feeding time (wich is done out of of their enclosure) I'd say we get around each individual a few times a month


07-22-03, 01:41 PM
I only handle my non-ven a few times a week. For most of my other snakes, I try not to handle them unless necessary.


07-22-03, 02:26 PM
Some of our snakes get handled all the time some don't.

07-23-03, 12:26 PM
I handle mine in the evening when they are active. I handle them to keep them tame and for exercise. I try not to handle them more than daily but it's hard because they are so neat.

07-23-03, 12:29 PM
I have a ball python and i try to handle it as much as i can

07-23-03, 02:41 PM
Depends on the snake. My burm a few times a week but for just a minute or two (she's sick) so I can check her progress.

07-23-03, 03:28 PM
Serpents do not long for your companionship. They seek only to survive. You keep the temps right, well feed, and fresh water, you are being a great mother. =) But to answer your question, I handle mine enough to piss off Brian. Ha ha

07-23-03, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by SCReptiles
But to answer your question, I handle mine enough to piss off Brian.
Chuck you just love to stir it don't you?!? Hahahahaha, I love it. :D >(