View Full Version : pic of corns hatching

07-21-03, 12:16 PM
My third clutch of cornsnake eggs this year (not from the same female) :)
they should be out by later tonight!

these guys are all going to be het for rootbeer phase!


07-21-03, 12:29 PM
Nice Matt. congrats

07-21-03, 01:48 PM
YEA!!!! deja voo same things happening for me sept mine are amel.

Congrats... Post some pics when they are all the way out.

07-21-03, 02:03 PM
I thought rootbeer was an intergrade of emoryiXgutata (usually about 75% emoryi)?

07-21-03, 02:19 PM
honestly, i dislike the fact that there are so many corn phases for just this reason...its a little unclear.

Rootbeer phase (as i know it), is a guttata X emoryi....Im not sure what percentage, but looking at one, you can definitely see the emoryi in it.

heres the confusing part.....the father is a rootbeer corn and the mother a normal. I was told that rootbeer color acts like a simple recessive gene after the cross. I agree, this doesnt make much sense, but someone that has bred them in the past had told me this. I have never bred the rootbeer before, so i cant agree or disagree, Im just going by what he told me.

Therefore, if thats true, these would be hets for that color phase.

Like I said, i dont know, if anyone knows this, please let me know...

thanks for pointing that out

07-21-03, 03:07 PM
Well I don't know about their genotype, but their phenotype sure looks nice!

07-21-03, 04:45 PM
My head is way too full of useless information to try to absorb all the ramifications of corn & rat genetics, so I'll just admire and offer my congrats, no matter what the phase of those adorable babies turns out to be.

I can't wait to see pics of the entire hatchlings once emerged. Plus more pics to follow as their colors develop and change after a few sheds.

07-22-03, 07:26 AM

5 of 7 are now completely out, just waiting for the other 2 and then I'll post some new pics!

07-23-03, 01:03 PM
wow. nice lookin' little corns. congrats