View Full Version : thinkin about it..

07-21-03, 04:04 AM
I keep the commonly talked about animals on this site, such as snakes and lizards and others ;) But tonight i was watching Animal Planet and i saw a tarantula and i decided, i want one. I, being the responsible herper that i am, did research. I think i've decided to settle on a Mexican Orange Kneed. From the caresheets i read it sounds like it will be simple, but since yall are the experts, i was wondering if yall thought that another T would be more suitable? In my house, the animal comes first so i don't live by the "learn from your error" policy :cool: Tell me what yall think about it and i'll thank ya kindly :)

07-21-03, 05:56 AM
I think that would be alright i think if you can care for a tarantula it don't matter what type you get i think they are all pretty much the same to care for i have had a few Rose Hairs and they are pretty cool

good luck


Colonel SB
07-21-03, 09:45 AM
Well burmese I would not go that far...ceratin species have more imdepth care requirements then others. Your selection is a good one just be wary of their urticating hairs they tend to be avid throwers of thier hairs. If you want a species that is a little more reluctant to shower you get a rosie or a stripe leg.

07-21-03, 10:14 AM
Your right colonel sorry bro i just thought that they would all be the same to care for but i fogot on how many different tarantuls their is out there and should of known better


07-21-03, 11:10 AM
went and looked today and none of the pet stores in my area had anything interesting to me. There was one but i don't remember what it was called, but it just plain brown, the store owner said it was calm and slow and said that's good. Then i went to the other pet store (yea, we only have 2!), and all they had was a baboon starbust and i had read that they can be naughty and fast. I think maybe i'll look somewhere and try to order one, or maybe find someone here who's selling one.

Colonel, they throw hairs? I read that on a care sheet last night but i thought the author was out of his mind! lol Are the hairs laced with venom? That's really interesting, i never knew they threw :)

Colonel SB
07-21-03, 11:28 AM
No the hairs do not throw venom...But what they do is irritate your skin or any other part of your body they come in contact with. Here is a little tib bit of info only New World T's have these hairs...All old world T's do not that is why then tend to be a little more agro.

07-21-03, 11:34 AM
:cool: The hairs do not have venom, they are very iretating though and when they fling them at ya will make ya itch like crazy where ever the hairs land on ya.. If you have allergic reactions then youl have a rash to.. As for the best T to get i would go with a Brazilian Black, G, Pulchra as they dont kick hairs nor do they bite and are handable, then theres a pink zebra beauty, chaco golden knee, Texas tan alittle skittish but handable and easy to care for and there are few others, rose hairs are ok but there is some out there that are out right nasty they seem to go thru mood swings.. And yes Ts are diffrent when it comes to care not all have the same requirements.. There are some that need higher humidity and medium temps, some that need dryer conditions lower humidity higher heat, each is diffrent.. There are some that are ground dwellers and some that are tree dwellers..