View Full Version : Odd snake or not?

Bryce Masuk
07-20-03, 11:39 PM
I was up on the fraser highway aways past boston bar. I found a snake that seemed quite odd I didnt have a camera so I couldnt get a pic. but It looked to be a northern pine snake but it was leutistic unless its another snake. but the scales were keeled about it was about 4-5 feet long all white blue eyes. It was a beauty so i had to set er' free
Locals what was it....

07-21-03, 12:49 PM
i am not sure. sorry that i couldnt help

07-25-03, 08:29 PM
Seems like you came across a pet snake or the rare chance that you found a leucistic Great Basin Gopher. Finding a gopher here is rare enough let alone if it was leucistic.

07-26-03, 07:24 AM
not too familiar with snakes in bc, but could it be a bullsnake?