View Full Version : hello from alberta

07-20-03, 12:16 AM
Hi, I am fairly new to this site, but have already pestered a few people for information. I just completed my BSc in biological sciences and concentrated on embryology. In the meantime, i have been keeping chameleons ( 6 veileds and 1 panther) and doing some part-time breeding. I frequent all the reptile shows here in calgary, and have made some connections with a few local reptile breeders, whom I totally respect and look up to. I would hope one day to have a special exotic strain of chameleons or leopard gecks (didn't mention I had 2- a hypo tangerine and a normal carrot tail)....
I have also developed a care sheet for veiled chameleons which one local breeder distributes to pet stores and other potential buyers. I am working on up-grading it and hopefully getting it published.
AND, right now I am the manager of a small pet store....trying to make the conditions adequate for the animals we hold, and educating people before they make their purchases.
I think thats it..
I also have 1 dog, 1 cat (and kittens when she brings them home), 1 fire belly newt ("Newton") and some fish.

07-20-03, 12:26 AM
Welcome, fellow Calgarian. Good to have someone here with a Bio degree! Your knowledge can probably be very helpful around here.

07-20-03, 07:30 AM
Greeting and welcome on board. My name is Chuck and I live the southeastern United States. My main interest is North American pit vipers, but I also know a little about giant pythons. Let me know if I can be of any help.

07-20-03, 09:45 AM
welcome to the site!! :D

Wuntu Menny
07-20-03, 10:07 AM
Welcome aboard!

I see by your location that our little part of the world is well represented. I'm looking forward to hearing some objective scientific analysis from you.


07-20-03, 10:28 AM
Welcome! There arw a feq Calgarians kickin around on this site, you just have to find them lol. Hope you like it.

07-20-03, 12:52 PM
welcome to the forums!

07-20-03, 01:20 PM
Welcome to ssnakess, i think its great what you are doing with chameleons within the pet stores, keep on the hard work. :)


07-22-03, 08:48 PM
Welcome choriona, hope you like it here @ sSnakeSs