View Full Version : Strange question about my tokay gecko

07-18-03, 02:12 PM
last night, i put my tokay gecko on his back while holding him in my hand, and i started rubbing his belly. he became very calm, I could see he was still breathing, occasionall his legs would move, but for the most part he was still. When i turned him back over to put him in his enclosure, he didnt move for a few seconds, and then he was really slow to move, as if he was groggy, and then he kinda scampered away.

I know some people say they are hypnotizing animals, but in reality, they are turning them upside down making them pass out. But geckos run upside down on ceilings all the time.

So did my tokay gecko actually enjoy this, or did he just pass out?

07-18-03, 03:11 PM
i think the way the veins of lizards and other small reptiles is that they are pointed twords the feet, and if they are turned over and held for a while, the blood goes to their head, like if u do a hand stand or hang on some monkey bars....or i might be wrong

07-18-03, 03:52 PM
yeah, but geckos can stick to a ceiling for hours without a problem.

07-18-03, 04:31 PM
..........or i might be wrong

07-18-03, 07:10 PM
Hey, maybe you actually found a way to tame a tokay!!! If that is the case I want to know the trick. I'm tired of being bitten!!!!!! LOL!! But no, this is a good question, I'd like to know the answer too. At first I was thinking it was like when you place an alligator or crocodile on it's back, they seem to pass out, but you're right, Gecko's climb, crawl, sleep and hang out upside down all the time. So that can't be it. I don't know, maybe your's just likes you.