View Full Version : How long do I wait to feed......

07-17-03, 11:06 PM
I just got a new BP and tried giving him a f/t mouse just in case he wanted to eat....no such luck. I was wondering how long I should wait before offering him another f/t mouse? And also if he won't take that what I should try next??? Thank you all in advance for your help!!!!

:confused: :( :eek:

07-17-03, 11:20 PM
Jesus another problem feeder. Try asap and prey it will take a meal cuz once a problem feeder always a problem feeder (some way or the other he might always wana eat). When you got it did the petstore man or who ever you purchesed it from tell you it ate.

07-17-03, 11:36 PM
Of course not. But the overal health of the animal looked good. Not skinny, not fat, good muscle tone, good skin, no mites/ticks, balled up, then tryed to escape my grasp. Not dry, no skin hanging off of it, mouth looked good.....I think he was/is just stressed and nervous.....I hope.

07-18-03, 06:02 AM
if you just brought the snake home you should give it some time before offering any food, don't worry he's probably just stressed out still give him a week or so:)

07-18-03, 06:30 AM
Hey, don't freak out yet. The general rule is to wait an entire week without handling the snake at all or offering it any food. After a week goes by, then try to feed it. It might not be a problem feeder if you just got it recently. Ball pythons stress out very, very easily, so just give him some chill time.

07-18-03, 06:50 AM
Two-week acclamation period.
For two weeks one of the best ways to keep a new ball is to first make sure it is set up in a quite part of your home where there is not a lot of people running around all the time. Second make sure it's in a room that will be dark when the sun goes down.
Then set the tank up with white paper towel so that you can spot any mites that it may have come home with. Give it two hide boxes at least one on each side and a water bowl on the cool side. Make sure the hot side is at least 90 and no more then 95. Don't guess at you temps know for sure use a real thermometer not the stick on strip kind stuck to the glass that's not where the snake goes to warm up. Don't use those round plastics things either they're also crap. Make sure the tank is not too big and then forget about him for two weeks no touching nothing. Make sure he clean water and the temps are right and that's it. Then in two weeks try a F/T rat fuzzie/pup. Something the same size as him. Ball pythons should not eat mice you'll only have to try and switch them later so why not go with rats from the start.
Good luck,

07-18-03, 05:50 PM
Well for now there's the mice. But I was also thinking of going to rat pups. I know to wait before feeding him. But I thought I would give a shot. My other BP hit right of the tongs on the 2nd day she was at my home. The tank is in my room, which is open during the day and dark at night. He is heated on the hot side at 90F. Right now all I have is that stick on strips. But thats on the bottom of the tank, reading the heat pad and the heat lamp. He is regulating his temp. When I woke up he went into his hide that was on the hot side, then when I came home from work he was on the cool side, then before I went back out he was back on the warm side....I hope thats a good thing! So far so good with mites/ticks. I don't think I'm going to have a problem with them. But this monday I am taking him somewhere to get sexed....I hope it's a boy!!!! Let me know if that all sounds good to you guys! Thanks in advance for your help!!!!!!

07-18-03, 10:13 PM
reading the heat pad and the heat lamp
No it's not, it's reading the surface temp of the glass it's stuck too. You'd be better off taking it off the glass and laying over the heat to see what the temp actually is. Things do sound good though! Keep us posted on the sex.

07-18-03, 10:24 PM
Well next time I get paid I plan on getting 2 digital thermomators (sp?) So that will be taken care of! I think I am going to try feeding him tomorrow night though (saturday) because if he eats I want to give him a couple of days to start digesting it because I'm going to be moving him around alot monday!

My new baby is so small compared to my female. And I can't believe that at one time she was that small to! He looks especially tiny when he balls up. My female never balls up anymore! But I can't wait till monday..... You guys are great! Thanks for the info! If it wasn't for informed people....then other people would be running around with snakes like rectics wondering why their dogs are gone and why the snake got so big when they were "told" it would be fine in a 40 gal breeder for it's life!!!! lol

07-20-03, 09:10 PM
You don't need two digital thermometers--if you can get one that has a separate ("outdoor") sensor, then you can stick it to the cool side and stick the sensor to the hot side, and it will give you both readings. I just got one of these today at Wal-Mart for $15, and it also displays humidity levels, as well, with a memory for the hi-lo temps and humidities. Digital thermometers that did half as much and didn't have sensors (so you'd need two) ran about $20, so shop around!

Good luck with feeding! keep us posted...

07-20-03, 11:02 PM
I mean two digital themometors because I have two tanks, and two snakes.....lol

Solid Snake
07-25-03, 12:00 AM
try starting off with f/t rat pups. in the dark.