View Full Version : food

07-17-03, 08:04 PM
what is a good technique to get my pregnant female to eat a pinky mouse, because I have tried everything and she just ignores it?

Tim and Julie B
07-17-03, 08:23 PM
Basically if they like them they will eat them, and if not then they just won't. However, if you think it would be in her best interests to try them (if she is having a hard time gaining or maintaining weight) then try scenting it with her favorite food. Mash up some crickets, mealies, or whatever and rub it on the pinkies. Although if she is nice and fat, with a healthy tail and lays good eggs, then you shouldn't worry too much about the pinkies, just add a little extra calcium to her diet while she is gravid and she'll be fine. Good question.
Julie B

07-17-03, 08:56 PM
Are you feeding them live to her? That help for me.

07-18-03, 10:52 AM
thanks julie b
reptilz, im feeding them dead.

07-18-03, 11:02 AM
i wouldn't feed live thats how mine got round worms. but thats me i learned my lesson the hard way.

07-18-03, 11:40 AM
leos need to see their food move. if u want to feed pinkies, it would have to be live. i used to breed leo's, and i never fed any of them pinkies. it's not necessary.

07-18-03, 01:55 PM
lisa it doesn't have to be live for them to eat it. I use tongs to feed mine f/t and they take them very quickly. It didn't take any effort to get them to switch from eating live to the f/t.

Tim and Julie B
07-18-03, 04:30 PM
They eat pinks in the wild. So as long as I breed them I will offer pinks. I have all my leos trained to eat by smell, not sight. It just takes a little patience and good bowl training. Never feed live as you never know what kind of parasites are tagging along.:D

07-18-03, 07:06 PM
Aurora takes frozen thawed pinkies. Just hold it by the tail with tweezers and wiggle it.

07-18-03, 08:18 PM
thanks everybody and so basically what your saying is that you should dangle them by their tail with tweezers/tongs and make them move to atract my female. i also tried and seed if my male would take them and he ate it readily, so just keep trying.

thanks again

07-18-03, 09:26 PM
yep basicly, it may take a few times but after awhile she *should* try.