View Full Version : New corn pics at last....

07-17-03, 06:18 PM
Finally got around to taking new pics of all my 'hatchlings' (all the babies I got in 2002). The butters, lavs, and blizzard are from Serpenco, the hypos and charcoal are from Simon (the hypos were produced by Joe Clark).

My female butter, Unnamed (02 Bu 008 F)
<img width="600" height="373" src="http://image.photoloft.com/opx-bin/OpxFIDISA.dll?s=cano&src=/Photoloft/Asset21/2003/07/17/10882/10882569_0_0410.fpx,0,0,1,1,600,373,FFFFFF">

Female butter again
<img width="600" height="450" src="http://image.photoloft.com/opx-bin/OpxFIDISA.dll?s=cano&src=/Photoloft/Asset21/2003/07/17/10882/10882570_0_8777.fpx,0,0,1,1,600,450,FFFFFF">

Male butter, Unnamed (02 Bu 007 M)
<img width="600" height="426" src="http://image.photoloft.com/opx-bin/OpxFIDISA.dll?s=cano&src=/Photoloft/Asset21/2003/07/17/10882/10882576_0_7341.fpx,0,0,1,1,600,426,FFFFFF">

Female Lavender, Unnamed (02 Lv 006 F)
<img width="600" height="519" src="http://image.photoloft.com/opx-bin/OpxFIDISA.dll?s=cano&src=/Photoloft/Asset21/2003/07/17/10882/10882573_0_8491.fpx,0,0,1,1,600,519,FFFFFF">

Male lavender, Unnamed (02 Lv 005 M)
<img width="600" height="400" src="http://image.photoloft.com/opx-bin/OpxFIDISA.dll?s=cano&src=/Photoloft/Asset21/2003/07/17/10882/10882578_0_1226.fpx,0,0,1,1,600,400,FFFFFF">

Male lav again
<img width="700" height="461" src="http://image.photoloft.com/opx-bin/OpxFIDISA.dll?s=cano&src=/Photoloft/Asset21/2003/07/17/10882/10882579_0_7489.fpx,0,0,1,1,700,461,FFFFFF">

Male blizzard, Wyrm (02 Bl 009 M)
<img width="406" height="600" src="http://image.photoloft.com/opx-bin/OpxFIDISA.dll?s=cano&src=/Photoloft/Asset21/2003/07/17/10882/10882574_0_0455.fpx,0,0,1,1,406,600,FFFFFF">

Male blizzard again
<img width="515" height="598" src="http://image.photoloft.com/opx-bin/OpxFIDISA.dll?s=cano&src=/Photoloft/Asset21/2003/07/17/10882/10882575_0_2576.fpx,0,0,1,1,515,598,FFFFFF">

Female charcoal, Nocturne (02 AnB 004 F)
<img width="600" height="615" src="http://image.photoloft.com/opx-bin/OpxFIDISA.dll?s=cano&src=/Photoloft/Asset21/2003/07/17/10882/10882571_0_9460.fpx,0,0,1,1,600,615,FFFFFF">

Male hypo, Aubade (02 Hy 001 M)
<img width="600" height="367" src="http://image.photoloft.com/opx-bin/OpxFIDISA.dll?s=cano&src=/Photoloft/Asset21/2003/07/17/10882/10882577_0_1164.fpx,0,0,1,1,600,367,FFFFFF">

Female Hypo, Dysis (02 Hy 002 F)
<img width="600" height="486" src="http://image.photoloft.com/opx-bin/OpxFIDISA.dll?s=cano&src=/Photoloft/Asset21/2003/07/17/10882/10882572_0_5182.fpx,0,0,1,1,600,486,FFFFFF">

To see what they looked like when I first recieved them, check out my old posts.... http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=7312 and http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=5991


07-17-03, 07:06 PM
All very very nice!

07-17-03, 08:34 PM
WOW the pic of the male blizzard!!!! Rocks!!!!!!!!


07-17-03, 10:45 PM
Very nice Dawn - love the butters and the blizzard is very clean - no yellow. Thanks for sharing the photos,

mary v.

07-17-03, 10:58 PM
That body pic reminds me so much of Silica!

<img src="http://members.shaw.ca/theherproom/silicainflower.jpg">

Think they'll be a good match!

I love bliz!! Post more pics of Wyrm, love his name!

07-18-03, 08:58 PM
Katt, I love that picture.... Silica's a beautiful snake, and those flowers make a great backdrop!

I'll definitely post more pics when I have some.... still figuring out how to do good pics of white snakes. ;)


07-18-03, 09:38 PM
nice snakes

07-18-03, 10:53 PM
I love your corns=)
you have very nice snakes

07-18-03, 10:55 PM
Nice pics


Colonel SB
07-19-03, 09:52 AM
Katt she is amazing, that is one great pic!

07-20-03, 01:12 AM
Those are so incredibly beautiful... I'm so envious of your lavender!!!! I'm trying to find some of those in Calgary. But they are all absolutely gorgeous. You must be very proud.

07-21-03, 05:43 PM
beutiful snakes . i like the dysis and the lavender

07-21-03, 06:01 PM
Lovely pictures!
It's always nice to see how the babies are doing after a while! The charcoal has grown a lot!
And that lavender is just....just.....superb!!! Lovely lavender. I knew I should of kept it went it was with me.....sigh.....