View Full Version : Am I Parinoid

07-17-03, 05:10 PM
K im looking and looking for my 2 remaining pigmys. harder to find them now without the male who always pointed them out to me.

One of the females has some discolouration on the side of her face same place as the male.

Am I just nutz or could it be the same thing starting just like the male?

The coloration is white ish and im gonna rule out a bite as the cause because latley they have been eating tiny silks. I just bought some crix today and b4 i put them in the cage I had to find the girls.

Humm Im gonna try and take some pics tonight!

I really really hope this is not paranoya!

If your interested in what happed to the male read "Unknown groth"

07-17-03, 08:15 PM
There is nothing wrong with a bit of paranoia when it comes to your animals.

I have seen this happen on my females on a few occasions and most of the times it's gone away within a few hours... or the female has died. One or the other and I'm not trying to scare you! Is it around her lips (like lipstick) or at the side of her face? Does she have areas on the rest of her body that have turned white?

Pics would help... just to see if it's the same thing I get here.

Good luck!


07-17-03, 10:00 PM
oh goodness no!
you wanna see paranoid, come see me ... somethign that isnt normal and it gives me a freaking heart attack
i'm sure they are fine! ...

07-22-03, 01:14 AM
She definatly has the same thing I am very sad about this I have again called all the vets in case the ones that were on vacation were back.

Trace I shouda grabed that beytrill off ya. I am very mad feel helpless the poor girl. It came out much faster this time I dont think she will make it through the nite now.

Well hope the last girl stays healthy. poor thing is gonna b all alone.

well this suck and im sick of bad new latley :(