View Full Version : Fridge frogs

07-17-03, 01:09 PM
I have tadpoles that will be frogs in a couple of weeks. I've heard that you can keep them in a refridgerator during the winter when they are hibernating, as long as you open the door a couple times a day to let fresh air in. I just don't know whether or not I should keep them in there. I could keep them in the garage, but the temperature gets pretty cold, staying below freezing for a long time. Also there might be a risk of chemicals affecting the frogs, because my brother keeps his motorcycle in there. I just need some advice from you guys that keep frogs or if you know something about hibernating them. There isnt a lot of good info on frog hibernation on the web. Thanks :medcomcic

07-18-03, 07:10 AM
You may find some help in the amphibian forum. Good luck.

07-18-03, 08:29 AM
Well now, I don’t think its good for their health, but green tree frogs can survive temps well below 0. I don’t think that is the case with all frogs. What type of frogs do you have?

07-18-03, 01:17 PM
:confused: I'm not exactly sure. I got them from a friend who caught them in her pond.. i'll just have to wait and see what they turn into. I live in BC, so I'm pretty sure the local frogs can handle a little while below freezing, though I don't want to accidentally risk their lives.

08-07-03, 10:35 PM
Most frogs burrow into the mud in the bottem of ponds during the winter were it is about 3-5 degrees C. A frig is about 3-5 degrees C, but I have never tryed this so don't take my word for it, and definetly don't keep them in the garage, the CONNOT tollorate frost, even it the can survive under 0 degrees.

08-07-03, 10:40 PM
I would be keeping them on a shelf in the garage if I did keep them there, so frost is not a problem. The problem with the garage is that it smells kind of like chemicals.. and the chemicals in the air may affect the frogs. So, I'm not keeping them there. The fridge idea sounds good, though, as long as I let in some fresh air every day. I now know they are great basin spadefoot toads, and they are growing insanely fast! They eat anything I put in the tank. Very neat little guys. I do think I'm going to hibernate them in the fridge, though. ~TR~

08-07-03, 10:46 PM
Well why not just keep them awake?

08-07-03, 10:47 PM
It stimulates them to breed more readily in the spring.

08-07-03, 10:50 PM
Oh, right... sorry I must be tierd... seems as if we are both online :D

08-07-03, 10:53 PM
Yep. Thats all right. So your'e fairly new to this site? I want to hibernate them to have natural conditions for them. They won't be breeding this year, as they are too young, but I want them to be used to hibernating so they know what to expect next year. ~TR~

08-07-03, 10:57 PM
Yeah Im new, just found it yesterday actually, I've been posting on a lot of differant herp forums though...
yeah if you could help me on a little thing... I know the 1.1.1 thing represents females, males ect., I used to know but have forgoten since then, which number is for which if you could tell me? thanks

08-07-03, 10:59 PM
1.2.3 = 1 male, 2 female, 3 unsexed. ~TR~

08-08-03, 02:10 AM
Thank-You :D

08-08-03, 09:49 AM
I'd definitely avoid the garage. Frogs are extremely chemical sensitive, as they breathe through their skin as well as their nostrils. They absorb far more of their environment than almost any other living thing, and are very prone to liver and kidney failure from atmospheric toxins.