View Full Version : Late intro of myself! (sorry)

07-17-03, 12:29 PM
Hello I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I was to busy readying everyones interesting posts!

I'm 19 live in the US (The state of Kansas, unfortunetly) have one 2 yr month old Female BP and plan on getting a New baby boy BP this week! And within the next 3 months I'm getting a 75 gal for my female BP and when my male BP gets big enough he will move to the 40 gal breeder tank, he will be in the 20 gal long tank that I have set up and waiting for him!

I did move to the new england area but was brought back by lies.....so we are trying to get the money up to move to maine this time! Can't wait. But we have to get rid of our birds and rabbit :(. Birds are way to noisey and even the rabbit is, she has a litter box that she likes to slam against the side of her cage....and she likes meat to, human meat, she's a biter...:( Well since I have already made posts I want to thank everyone that has replied and I can't wait to learn more from the members here who are more knowledgeable than I am....!!!!!!

Happy Herping!!!

:w :rolleyes: :cool: :p

07-17-03, 12:30 PM
Well, welcometo SsnakesS.com :D

07-17-03, 02:33 PM

07-17-03, 02:53 PM
Welcome to sSnakeSs..... BTW Sapphire Moon, the new comers buy a round for everyone.. lol j/k... hope you enjoy it here


07-17-03, 03:10 PM
welcome to the community!

07-17-03, 05:58 PM
good to see ya, sapphire. :D

07-17-03, 07:25 PM
Welcome and have fun. Lots of great info here.

07-17-03, 09:50 PM
Welcome, sapphire!

07-18-03, 05:38 PM
Welcome Sapphire, glad to see you here. Good luck with your move.

07-18-03, 05:55 PM
Thanks lisa, and believe me, with temps that raise to 105 F, The heat index higher than that, and sometimes the actual heat higher than that. I CAN'T WAIT! I want the cold of New England back, and maybe to visit Canada!

07-18-03, 08:06 PM
Welcome to ssnakess.com!!! Congrats on getting that new ball! :D


07-18-03, 08:49 PM
Thank you! And I can't wait till he takes his first meal. So far he's doing good. He goes back and forth between the hot and cold....the heat is at 84-90 F. And the cold area has to be in the 70's.... :) He is exploring his cage. I just can't wait for him to eat!

07-18-03, 08:50 PM
welcome to ssnakess.com!!

07-19-03, 09:31 PM
Well I blended up a mouse, and put a chunk in his mouth, a little down his throat and let him go....he didn't spit it up...and I took another little chunk and did the same thing... (not huge, maybe two pencil erasers put togeth long, and about the same width and thickness. Atleast he has something in him, I'm waiting a month before I give him anything........(hopefully it's a him!)

07-20-03, 07:37 AM
We will take that biting rabbit off of your hands. =)

07-20-03, 08:00 PM
Beautiful Snake! But not that kind of rabbit!

07-21-03, 05:41 PM
Ok well I've got good news and bad news about how the sexing of the snake went today! The good news is I have opposite sex snakes. The bad news is, the 2 yr (now) 4 month old "female" is really a male!!!!! And the baby is a female!!!! For almost 3 years I thought he was a she!!!! I had to ask the guy like 4 times if he was sure. So he showed me (now I know how to sex a snake) and it's DEFINITLY a male!!! I can't believe it.

So I think that My male (AKA my female bp) His name is Damballa (a voodoo god(ess)) is about 38-38 inches, I think he will grow to be about 4 ft and thats it! So the 40 gal breeder is the last home for him......
And we are tossing around names for the little female, but are leaning towards Prana, meaning life, or the breath of life. (I'm pagan and got it from one of my books) But will be looking up unisex names tonight "just in case" lol! It just blows my mind!....I thought He was a she for almost 3 years! WOW.....!!!!!!