View Full Version : Tear on my ball python skin

07-17-03, 12:39 AM
I got a question. Well I have a ball python. And today while he was eating a mouse i accidently hit it with a piece of wood. Now my ball python has a little scar, like tearing of the skin (bout 1/8 of inch). You could see pink stuff. But its not deep, it just teard off skin. its small, but i dont know f the skin will grow back???? Well do you think he will be fine or like someone said on a previous message that someones snake died because the skin comming off? Well im worried and need someone to tell me if this is serious, or the skin will just grow back, and he will be fine.

07-17-03, 12:45 AM
How did you manage to hit him with a piece of wood while feeding??

Anyway, you should apply polysporin to the wound and it will heal but there will be a scar.


07-17-03, 12:47 AM
It should be fine, with the right treatment.
Start off with neosporin or triple antibiotic ointment, NOT the pain free type, use plain stuff.
Apply it at least 3 times a day or at least twice, if you have to, morning and evening.

I have no idea what your substrate is now, but change it to newspaper, paper towels or a sheet, in order to keep any foreign objects from getting into the area.

Watch for any swelling, drainage or obvious infections.
If any appear, vet trip, asap.
If not, then it will heal fine and the skin will regrow.

My big question is how did you accidentally hit it with a peice of wood while it was eating?

07-17-03, 12:50 AM
Yeah good point Omen

Also, if you are keeping the BP on substrate other than papertowel, you might also want to flush out the wound with a betadine solution... just mix some betadine with warm water and dab the cut lightly and let some of drip over the cut. It will kill germs and you'll remove any dirt or whatever that might in the cut.

07-17-03, 12:52 AM
I agree with what Zoe and the Omens said


07-17-03, 01:46 AM
How could you accidentally hit a stationary python with a piece of wood hard enough to break their skin which is as tough as leather?

07-17-03, 08:13 AM
I would treat the wound initially with some type of antibiotic and then I would only place liquid ban aide on the cut and no medicine what so ever. I used to use the cream like you guys are recommending and my vet suggested we stop and use only the liquid ban aide and we have seen better results. Keep your snake at the warmest temp that species can handle without stress, I don’t know that that will be for a ball. This will increase food intake and shed frequency. After 2 sheds, I think you probably will not be able to notice the cut at all.

07-17-03, 09:16 AM
well I will say this I am not sure if it may mean any thing to you but I will try to give you a hand.

I am gone go out on the limb here but yougot the BP not to long ago right? ( and did it come from a pet store).

I only ask cause a Bp that was malnourished witch results in chronic starvation. (And we all know that we can't put that past the pet store these days.)

The Skin will thin out in consiquence the skin will tear verry easaly.

If this is not the case you would have had to sharpen your pice of wood and hit it rather hard cause a ball is not that easy to hurt.

as for now just go to the vet and ask for methen bleu. It works wonders you put it on once or twice a week and replace it every time it sheds and you will see in like 2 monts it will be a picture perfect snake.

Be carfule it has the same effect as pen ink get that on your good close and you are scrued and not get it on any white tiels (kitchen floor).

07-17-03, 09:34 AM
when there is a scar, there will be difficulty shedding, this maybe sheeding in more than one long peice or it might get worse, but if its small then it shouldnt be much.

07-17-03, 11:39 AM
Maybe I am going out of line here, but that just doesn't make sense and actually makes me laugh when i read that sentence: "And today while he was eating a mouse i accidently hit it with a piece of wood." LOL! Anyhow, if I understand correctly, your feeding live. Would it be a possibility that you fed live and it bit your snake rather then you hit your snake with a peice of wood? As stated by Jeff F. , their skin is really hard and you would really have to give him a good whack. Just a suggestion, no need to cover it up if this is what happens just learn from your mistakes :D I would really like to know how you hit it with a peice of wood though.

07-17-03, 11:54 AM
I would really like to know how you hit it with a peice of wood though.

As do we all.

If it is from a bite, then you need to pay dam close attention to possible infections.
And swap to whacked or thawed to prevent bites in the future.

And be honest with us in the future, if that's the case.

07-17-03, 12:13 PM
i have snake that had a huge cut when i got him two weeks ago. i first used severly dilluted hydrogen peroxide and neosporin after about a week it started looking better and now he shedding and it looks way better

07-17-03, 01:43 PM
Well for the people that wanted to know how i accedently tear the piece of skin off here it goes. I have a half log, that is on 2 pieces of small long wood . About the as long as the wood. I dont know why they are there, but thats how I bought the enclosure, and seem to be a good idea because it makes the log taller. Well While my bp was eating, i think he was moving closer to its substrate (which i heard it may make him sick if eaten) Although I had put a piece of cardboard on top of the subt. it didnt cover all the way to the corners. I wanted to move him inwards to the cardboard but Because i was scared it would bite me, i got the piece of long squareed wood, and tried to move Roca in. I accedently pushed him with the edge of the wood, and it made a little tear. well i was really upset, but i dont think he was becuase he was eating. Well now because of me trying to move the snake closer to the piece of cardboard, he has a little scar (--- <--about that size) Well thanks for the help, and there was MY STUPID LITTLE STORY.

P.S. Is it allright if i ude a hydrogen peroxide solution???

07-17-03, 04:04 PM
If you dilute it till its very mild, then yes. Read Coy's post above.

07-17-03, 05:13 PM
what u mean by diluting it till its mild?

07-17-03, 09:54 PM
A LOT of water mixed with a LITTLE BIT of peroxide.

07-20-03, 01:26 PM
Exactly, thanks Zoe.

07-20-03, 09:04 PM
MIght I recommend getting a plastic tote to feed the snake in. Just drill a few holes for ventilation, then you won't have to worry about him ingesting any substrate.