View Full Version : The Perfect Gauge!!!!!!!!!

07-16-03, 11:52 AM
I saw lilskip talking about her being paranoid with her gauge and her snake crawling on it!

This is something I bought at Lowe's yesterday for my BP It is $19 and you dont have to worry about sticking any of thoes little ones on the side of the tank.

Its an ELECTRONIC thermometer/Hygrometer in one. It comes with an easy to read LCD screen and it has a 10 FT cord that you can put in the tank. It has the Hi/Low of the day (meaning the highest temp/humid. for the day) its just such and easy thing to use and cheap. It is in the gardening section of Lowe's (outside area)

07-16-03, 02:17 PM
Thanks for the heads-up, Jo. I'll be switching as soon as I can get to either Lowe's or Ebay. :D

07-16-03, 08:46 PM
lol my snake was doing the same thing

07-16-03, 10:52 PM
hehe killa--it was so cute to see him climbing on them, till somebody told me that their snake died that way, and then I got freaked (apart from the temp. inaccuracy stuff). Funny how these balls always seem to find a novel use for ordinary things though, eh?

07-17-03, 12:12 AM
Hey Lilyskip. I got a Question. Why/how did the snake die by just climbing on the little guage that is stuck to the wall. Mine always does that. i dont think theres nothing wrong with it. You scared me now. Well Please Let me know

Big Mike
07-17-03, 08:26 AM
I think it was because of the adhesive. If the guage falls off and the snake comes into contact with it, there could be a problem when trying to remove it.

07-17-03, 09:28 AM
I think it was because of the adhesive. If the guage falls off and the snake comes into contact with it, there could be a problem when trying to remove it.

Yeah, I've heard that and also they try to eat it and I'm guessing that wouldnt work too well