View Full Version : 2 BP in 1 tank?

B.O.A. asbl
07-16-03, 04:01 AM

I have a 2.5 year old male and I just bought a 1 year old female.
I housed them together in a tank that’s 100 cm by 50cm.
Is it ok to house them together? They don’t look stressed at all. They are lying together in their hiding place.

07-16-03, 04:43 AM
The general consensus that i have seen on this forum is that ball pythons should be caged separately. Also from what I have read, you should seperate new snakes from ones you already have to prevent spreading of any diseases the new one may have, quarentine them to make sure, just my opinion...

B.O.A. asbl
07-16-03, 04:48 AM
I already took the female in quarantine for two month, So I guess this is enough no?
I know it are solitaire animals, but I wonder would it harm them to sit together even if they eat well?
What would be a very good tank to put a BP in. Because I read that they don’t require much room and don’t climb but my male is pretty active and always goes for the top of the tank and so does the female.

07-16-03, 05:40 AM
They don’t look stressed at all
Can someone tell what a stressed ball looks like?

Why are you asking if it's ok to do something after you've already done it? Sounds to me like you've made up your mind already.
Quarantine should be at least 6 months, some go longer.
A good tank for a BP is a 40g, 36"x18"x18"
If the male is going to the top of the tank it may be because your tank is too hot.

B.O.A. asbl
07-16-03, 06:59 AM
Why are you asking if it's ok to do something after you've already done it? Sounds to me like you've made up your mind already.

Well, I figure it is never too late to get some advice.

Is the hottest place not the top? I have overall 29°c in the tank. During the day he lays in his hiding place and ½ hour before the lights go out he comes out first just with his head and when the lights are out he start cruising through the tank.

Big Mike
07-16-03, 09:23 AM
Another reason to keep them seperate is that you would have a hard time telling which one is deficating normally.

You also have to think about what would happen if they tried to breed. The male is definately ready but the female is probably too small. This could stess the female to no end. Not to mention that if they did breed she might become egg bound and die.

B.O.A. asbl
07-17-03, 03:05 AM
Good point! Although I housed them together 2 weeks ago now.
So I guess it's too late to start breeding now. But point well taken, I'll house them separately.


07-17-03, 10:41 PM
It's too early to start breeding. How much does your female weigh?

07-17-03, 10:51 PM
shoot you dont have to house sepret do what ever you feel , my albino and my normal are housed together and there doing just fine

07-17-03, 11:45 PM
Your best bet, whether you are breeding or not, is to house them seperately. Those who do not house their bp's seperately, either have done zero research, or do not care about the captive husbandry of their pet.

B.O.A. asbl
07-18-03, 06:57 AM
Well, I don’t intend to start breeding just yet.
My female weights 615 gram and my male 735 gram. So I guess my female needs to be 1500 gram. I like to keep my male BP sharp because I read several times that vet male snake don’t breed easily for the female it is like the opposite.

07-18-03, 07:29 AM
I like to keep my male BP sharp because I read several times that vet male snake don’t breed easily for the female it is like the opposite.
I'm sorry but you lost me. Could you try and explain that statement please.

B.O.A. asbl
07-18-03, 07:45 AM
What I mean is that I read that for a male Ball Python it is not good to be fat he needs to be lean or thin (not too off course). Because fat male BP are bad breeders and for the female it is like the opposite. She will need the reserve to produce eggs because she will not eat for a longer period. Does that make sense? I read it on several articles.
Sorry, I made some spelling mistakes!

07-18-03, 08:55 AM
It's not good for any snake to be "fat". But in this case yes I do know what you are saying. Males balls that are over weight do not make ambitious breeders. And in the female fat equals eggs. A female ball can not produce a good clutch of eggs if she does not have enough fat reserved in her body.
Males will breed between 600-800g and females need to be at least 1500 if they're 4' for their first attempt at breeding.
However if you keep housing them together you can forget about breeding them.

B.O.A. asbl
07-18-03, 12:33 PM
So not only because it is hard to watch (control) them but also for the breeding it is bad that they were housed together? Maybe because they see one another the whole year. I can imagine if you only see a male or female once a year, you’re much more ambitious!!! :p :p
Would I get my female at 1500 gram by next year??

07-18-03, 01:05 PM
I can imagine if you only see a male or female once a year, you’re much more ambitious!!!
Now your getting it! lol
If you feed her one or two appropriate size rodent every 7 days you should have no problem.

07-18-03, 03:48 PM
2 BP in 1 tank?

Is it just me, or have we answered this question more in the last 3 weeks than we have in the last 3 years??? It seems someone asks this question like every 2 days now.

07-18-03, 03:53 PM
It's not just you. There must be something in the air... :)

07-18-03, 03:54 PM
Yeah its because people are OBSESSED with spending as little as they can on the animal they choose to purchase, even when its not the best thing for the snake.

I see tons of GREAT reasons not to house together, (although most are ignored obviously) yet I'd LOVE too see ONE reason that they SHOULD be housed together. But I won't. Why? Because there is not ONE reason to house snakes together that is benficial for the snake. Not one. Read again! Beneficial for the SNAKE. Not some cheap skates pocket book.

Proper caging costs like 10 bucks at Wal-Mart. If you can't afford two cages then how will you afford a vet visit or even two if your snakes get ill?

BTW this post isn't directed directly at the thread starter but to everyone who asks this question because Jeff is right, WAY too many people trying to house snakes together lately and jusitfy it for themselves.


07-18-03, 03:59 PM
Well, just think of it this way... it's probably only about 10% of the people who wish to keep snakes together who are asking. The other 90% just keep them together regardless. At least some are asking, right? :)

07-22-03, 01:29 AM
yea for real do what you want man its a free country (America at least)

07-22-03, 07:16 AM
Do what's best for your animals like a responsible keeper would do, immediate above company excluded. Our animals did not ask to live with us the least we can do is make sure their most basic needs are met. Making sure they are not placed in a situation that may lead to stress and disease is a good one to start with.
Here’s some advice to keep in mind when looking for and following advice, be critical. Like any good researcher you have to check your sources. It’s important to know who is giving the advice. Is it one person with a sickly import pet shop ball and an Internet connection, or is it someone with a large clean collection who’s had success breeding the species? Some people on here are just more qualified then others to dispense advice. Find out who they are and listen to them.