View Full Version : Enclosure for Corn Snake

07-15-03, 10:26 PM
Hi, I am getting a baby snow corn and was wondering if i have everything i need. I have a 20 gallon tank with a 10-20 gallon Cobra Heat Pad. i have two hides and a water dish and as my bedding i am using bead a beast coconut fiber. anyhting else u guys think i should get

07-15-03, 10:48 PM
A thermometer

07-15-03, 10:50 PM
Do u have some sort of light so it can tell from night and day?

07-16-03, 02:37 AM
Like burmese said, you might need something to control the temperature, either manually, such as a rheostat, or an automatic controller, such as a thermostat.

As for light.... well you need to show your corn that it is either night or day. You don't need to have specific enclosure lights (I don't) but I keep mine in the room where I usually stay, therefore the corns sleep when I wake up and vice versa.

Hope this helped a bit :)

07-16-03, 04:43 AM
Congrats! I got my snow corn about a month and a half ago, they're awsome. Real nice to look at. As long as there's a window in the room the snake should get the day/night cycle good enough. But I use a 50 watt red bulb so she gets heat and I can see her at night. As far as decor goes, there can be as little or as less as you want. It all depends on how nice you want it to look. Tho that stuff ain't needed. Yeah, you're probly gonna need a thermometer of some sort, like they said. Oh and this is very important, clips for the top. Corns are insane, and genuises at escape. I use 4 tank clips placed on the cage, it holds it down nice. All I do is unlatch them when I want to get her out. Those are like $1.50 each.
Enjoy your corn.

07-16-03, 09:28 PM
hey, it is in a room where there is plenty of light so that is not a problem. all ill need is a thermometer probably cause im getting more herps and some clamps.