View Full Version : BP cage size

07-15-03, 08:41 PM
I have a BP that is currently housed in a 40 gal breeder tank. She is a little over 3 ft long. I am thinking of putting her in a 75 gal tank for her final "home". Does anyone think that a tank that big is to big for a bp? Does anyone have any pictures of a 75 gal bp set up???? If so let me know!

I am also planing on purchasing another baby BP this week. Would a 20 gal long be to big for him????

Thanks in advance for all your ideas/opinons/answers!!!!


07-15-03, 08:45 PM
I have mine in a 4'x20"x26" wooden enclosure and thats what im keepin her in for her life time. I think the tank is just about the right size. Sorry i dont have any real good pictures of her tank.
I have 2 hides one on each side water bowl on cool side and climbing branch in the middle and she seems to like it.
Happy herping,
P.S. I kept my ball in a 20g untill it was about 2 feet long or so:D

07-15-03, 08:51 PM
good, I have no problem with spending money on my bp as long as she (soon to be they!) are happy!

07-15-03, 09:13 PM
hey....75 is a little 2 big....

Get a 50 for max comfort.


07-15-03, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by fanmaninacan
hey....75 is a little 2 big....

Why do you say that? Snakes aren't born into 3x1 boxes in the wild ;) No such thing as too big, only too open.

07-15-03, 09:58 PM
Linds has got a point,
Bigger is almost always better as long as there are enough hides.

07-16-03, 11:21 AM
Actually my BP seems to prefer to be out of her hides, and in the open? Is that normal?