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first of all, this is my first post so hey everyone!
right, onto my little dilema.
for about a year now i have deeply craved for a diamond python. they are a really beautiful snake. This will be my first snake to keep as a patron in my room lol>. (first snake as a pet)
there is only one thing that is stopp.... (no a better description would be ' holding back') me are my closed minded parents.
we have 2 dogs and 2 parrots. so the idea of a pet isnt new to them.
They just seem to be strongly opposed to having a snake in the house.
i have tryed reasoning with them tho to no avail.
im not going to let there insecurities prevent me from forfilling my desire.
i have already organised the cage, and lighting, heat ect.
i have been reading and gaining lots of info from this site for a while now.
so its not to say i dont know what i am in for.
arrrg..... this is frustrating... any ideas or suggestions to turn their views.
if nothing changes, im going to get it anyway, i have been waiting a long time.
thanx for listening, sorry for the ramble, i just need some advice.
Persuading parents to let you have a snake in the house can be one of the hardest things to overcome in owning a pet snake! lol! When I lived at home, I was never able to get one in the house...
I would highly discourage bringing in the snake knowing they dissaprove. What if they make you get rid of it? That will have been a very short lived and unpleasant experience. It is their house so gaining their approval is the big key.
My suggestions would be to show them how much research you have done so far and why you picked the species you did, pros and cons.
Then show them that the enclosure you have set up is very secure, this can help a lot as most parents fear an escape situation especially when there are other pets in the house. Put a lock on it with a key (even if you don't use it regularly) it'll look really good to them!
Talk about the low maintenance aspect of owning a snake. This is what I find impresses most people. They only eat every 1 or 2 weeks?!!! This is usually another really good selling point with parents as it is most likely not a pet that they will end up taking care of.
Good luck,
07-15-03, 08:31 AM
My father is deathly afraid of snakes. Therefore, I wasn't able to own one until I moved out.
I hate to be the devil's advocate, but maybe you should respect your parent's wishes. It is their house, and it won't kill you to wait until you have your own space to do what you want with.
I really do understand that burning desire to start keeping herps, but I'm glad I waited until it was on my own terms.
07-15-03, 11:41 AM
If you know someone who owns snakes, then let your parents hold the snakes and interact with them. I have converted many snake-haters to snake-lovers just by simply telling them about them while I am holding them and showing them they aren't evil. After awhile they will touch its skin and comment on how smooth it is and not slimy. Then after awhile they might even hold it as long as you are there in case it attacks them lol. Good luck!
07-15-03, 04:32 PM
Can I ask how old you are? ALso, do you have a job? I'm not slamming you, but feeding a snake costs money, and vet bills can be astronomical. Good luck.
07-15-03, 06:21 PM
Let them know that you respect your wishes. Obviously if you have the cage set up decorated, etc...etc.... then you have to have some kind of income. Show your parents the cage, with the lock (very good idea Pixie!) And show them that you can take care of it and prevent it from escaping, and are capable of feeding and taking care of all aspects of it. Get knowledge on what to do incase of a snake bite, and an escape. What to do if the snake is sick, and basic first aid for the snake should he/she show signs of an illness. And if they still won't give in, just wait a while. I had to wait 2 years before my new (current) step father brought a snake into the house and told my mom that I could get one for my 18th birthday! I've had her for a little over a year now!!!!
thanx for all the advice,
burmbaroness> im 18, just finished my hsc (highschool).
i have a job, there is no way that my p's would give me money to have it spent on a snake and what comes with it. lol.
i sat down and thought about a routine for them.
im going to ask a family i know that keeps a few snakes. they have 2 red bellys, 1 diamond python, 2 childrens pythons and just recently they had babys (8 baby children pythons).
im going to ask the father, to come over with his wife and show my p's there diamond python. if all goes to plan, they should start talking, yadda yadda, and then i will reafirm what they have said when they go.
and if they still dont want a snake in the house...... 'sigh' ......
then i guess i shall wait until i move out. but that wont be for like 2 3 years because of higher learning.
i have faith in my routine, im sure it wil turn them, even the slightest.
thanx for all the advice guys.:p :(
07-16-03, 11:54 AM
Good Luck!!!!
just talk about the kind of snake you want (talk alot). show your knowlege of the snake and how best to care for it but dont try to sell the snake to them or beg for it just chatter about it alot
07-17-03, 03:11 PM
I had the same problem with my parents, but since I don't live with them most of the year, the only thing they could do was warn me not to bring it home. I agree with everyone that you shouldn't do it without your parents' permission. I think one of the biggest barriers with *my* parents is that they'd never handled a snake and couldn't see why I'd want an "awful" pet like that instead of a "normal" pet like a bird or anything.
If your parents are open to seeing or touching some of your neighbor's snakes, in addition to/as part of your routine, that might also help. Good luck...I feel your pain!
well, i have some great news, for me anyway!!
i managed to have a talk with my mum, and she has agreed!!
the only thing now to do is to convince my dad, she said she would handle that.
so it has payed off, thanx to all your advice, i sure did need it.
i think the part about it the cage being locked did it.
ah well, now onto finding a breeder, thanx alot guys, ill stay in touch and post pics of my newest family member>!......shouldnt be too long i hope!!:D
07-17-03, 10:24 PM
Congrats Juxta! I just added a new member to my little family to!! Hopefully it will turn out to be a boy, but I think I'll keep him* anyways!
07-28-03, 09:02 AM
here's what I did...
my father is very old school european in that he is set in his ways, and it's hard to change them. so, i played against his one weakness...MONEY. He works very hard and appreciates money. So, I told him that my buddy kyle has 2 Irian Jaya's that he bred, and sold the babies each for $250. I could see my father's head counting up how much that may work out to be each year. Then I explained that it just makes sense.. the tank is secure, they are hypoallergenic...etc etc..
so, play against their weaknesses.
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