View Full Version : Cage Q

07-15-03, 04:38 AM
Hi everyone, I have a question about housing my balls together. Well my original plan was to get a russian tortoise. Then that fell through. And I'd already made the 5x2x2 cage, it was pretty close to completion. All I need to do now is put in two heating lights, put the sliding glass into place, add substrate and decor, and bam it's done. Well when the russian plan didn't work out I found a sweet deal on two hatchling ball pythons. So what I plan on doing is putting my yearling in the 5x2x2 and then moving the hatchlings into the 20 gallon he leaves behind. After a month or two of quarantine will it be safe to move them into the 5x2x2 with my yearling? He's really tame and all but there'll be a size difference. That worries me a little. Just wondering of it'll be fine. I figure the hatclings will be a couple months old so they'll probly be a good size after quarantine and all is done. So do you all think this will be ok?

Colonel SB
07-15-03, 07:12 AM
I would say no, first of even if there is a little size difference it can cause stress and lead to the little ones not eating. Two When there little I like to monitor them closely so I'd keep them seperate.

07-15-03, 04:54 PM
I agree with ColonelSB.. They baby would probably stop eating, and if one gets sick, so will the other. Also, if one of them had weird poop, you wouldn't know which one it was. The only time I keep snakes together is when it is a breeding pair, and they're breeding.

07-15-03, 05:04 PM
I wouldn't do it. As it has been stated many times, snakes are solitary animals. They don't enjoy each other's company. In fact, it will probbaly make at least one of the snakes stop eating because of the stress they will be under.