View Full Version : timbers and c heads
07-14-03, 07:27 AM
july 22 i will venture into bull run mountain on a herp search. the list provided to me named alot of herps, but when i called to register i learned that the focus was timber rattlers, and copper heads!!!!!! YIPEEEEEEEEEE i have wanted to see/catch one for so long. in fact one of the two guys that are taking us took steve irwin on his rattler trip in virginia, HOW COOL IS THAT!nnnnnnnnnnnjrffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffff sorry new kitten walking on keyboard.
cool, let us know hoe it goes!!! be careful
07-14-03, 10:52 AM
Have you worked hots before?
07-14-03, 12:15 PM
I was thinking the same question.
On another note: Chuck, We must be more alike than we think. Everytime I click on a topic in any of the forums i go to here, you posted. LOL Maybe the same keywords just get our attention Like, oh, I dont know, anything related to hots :D
07-14-03, 01:23 PM
Yeah, we see eye to eye on most things. Save me picking up Lee and of course voids. =)
07-14-03, 06:09 PM
i had a feeling you two would post. this will be my first experience with hots. i am going to ask alot of questions, observe and take notes to prevent accidents. i am looking forward to this and future hot experiences, but do not plan on keeping them. this thing is public, so i think there will be little chance of anything going wrong. -jacob
07-14-03, 07:48 PM
Oh my, I believe I missed a male bonding experience between Chuck and Brian, I feel like that old environmental commercial where the indian is looking at the river full of garbage with a little tear in the corner of his eye;)
Hey Jacob, have fun on the outing and be safe. It is becoming a rare thing to witness reptiles in there natural surroundings so bring back picks for those of us who are at home cleaning cages.
07-15-03, 10:25 AM
i most certainly will. mt dad just got a $700, 5 mega pixel digicam, and we will take pictures till our fingers fall off!!!!!!! ONLY 7 DAYS, i am so excited i coud pop
07-15-03, 03:09 PM
Sounds like the guides will be pulling out the snakes. In this sue happy society we live in, they probably will not let you work any of the hots, but if they do listen well to what they tell you and be safe. If they have a copper out in the open and a set of 40 inch hooks, it’s a very limited risk and valuable experience. A bit of nostalgia, my first ever hot was a dark phase timber rattler collected in VA. They have some very nice specimens there.
07-16-03, 10:19 AM
yep, the guy i talked to is bringing his hook, and i am bringing a hook and tongs, all overr 40. i can not wait, i am so excited.
07-16-03, 01:24 PM
I hope u have lots of fun!!! if you have never messed with any wild snakes at all be carefull. but i am shure with 40" hook and tongs u will be fine. and scince you have a good oprotunity be shure to pay close attention to the snakes reaction to you. so nexed time you go u will be that much more excperanced and the nexed time you will be more experanced and so on. and before u know it u will be the ones grabbing out snakes for the guides :D. well any way be safe and HAVE FUN!!!
wow that sounds really fun and really dangerous .good luck and be careful but there is no point in liveing if you dont take risks
08-02-03, 02:28 PM
Lol snkmn, hmmm... now where have I seen that before? Good luck, and be careful! :p Have lots of fun.
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