View Full Version : stressing my ball by looking?

07-13-03, 09:34 PM
Hey all--
I know that I'm not supposed to handle my new bp for at least a week, but will it cause it stress if I just look at it through the glass?

07-13-03, 09:49 PM
Well my Ribbon Snake is very stressed and fluttery. If you look I don't think the Ball will mind. But don't like press your face flat up against the glass! lol That might be a bit scary for the snake to see. lol


07-13-03, 10:51 PM
It's ok to look at it. For handling, forget the after a week rule, don't handle it until it's eaten at least 2 meals.

07-13-03, 11:08 PM
Yea, thats wut I've heard too. Wait untill its had atleast 2 meals... and doesnt freak out when you get near! :D

07-14-03, 05:43 AM
Wow! Talk about self-control! hehe. Sounds like a good idea.

Colonel SB
07-14-03, 08:05 AM
I would say ne as long as your face isn't pressed against the glass lol but I agree with Andy Hands off until they are eating regularily. I know I know thats not a real word but I left thesaurus at home.

07-14-03, 09:17 AM
I've never had a ball not eat and I've had a few pet store balls go through my collection. I always do the same thing with out fail.
Hot spot of 90-95
Two hides, 1 on each side.
Water on cool side.
Set them up in a quite spot that is dark when the sun goes down.
I don't touch them until they've had 4 meals and 1 dump.
This is what has worked for me.

07-15-03, 06:05 PM
I held mine on the way home from buying him...he had just eaten the day before...and ate fine on his next feeding day...

I play with him every day and he doesn't appear to be stressed at all..

What gives?