View Full Version : fake rock backdrops....

07-13-03, 07:44 PM
Well, we've decided I'm going to put my uromastyx and my sudan plated enclosures in the living room. They're quite nice on the outside, but I need to make them suitably attractive on the inside.

<img width="700" height="421" src="http://image.photoloft.com/opx-bin/OpxFIDISA.dll?s=cano&src=/Photoloft/Asset21/2003/07/02/10822/10822430_0_0872.fpx,0,0,1,1,700,421,FFFFFF">

So, I want to make fake rock backdrops for the cages. The cages are 4x2x2, so they need to be reasonably light too. I really like the look of the cage on the bottom right of this page: <a href="http://homepages.compuserve.de/AndiDickhoff/Holzter.html">http://homepages.compuserve.de/AndiDickhoff/Holzter.html</a>... the directions are in German, but I ran it through the alta vista translator, and it's mostly understandable. I want to use styrofoam as the main shape, and then cover it with something.... the webpage I linked used "red volume detention finery gypsum" - and I have <i>no</i> clue what that is....

So, what I think I'm going to do is shape it out of stryrofoam, spray it with some kind of foam that builds up and is semi-shapable, then spray it with Fleck Stone paint in a couple desert-y shades for the rock color, and seal it all with epoxy.

So... does anyone have any reccomendations what I should use for foam... or anything else I can use overtop of the styrofoam? I've read about people using Great Stuff foam before, but I've also heard it can be a complete nightmare to work with.... (I want to stay away from cement if I can, just because of the weight). Any thoughts?


07-13-03, 08:14 PM
I think fiberglass is the material of choice for things like that. I've seen some that were VERY impressive.

I don't know much about the subject, by every one I've seen (a few dozen) was done with fiberglass.

Let us know how it turns out! This kind of stuff is exciting. Another dimension to the hobby!

Greg West
07-13-03, 08:29 PM
If you are using great stuff ypu will have to have a basic form to follow, but can be exactly what you wanted or not even close to what you wanted. Post some pics when you are done. I have done foam backgrounds as well as the cement backgrounds. I would think for a desert background you would want to use the cement on a removeable board, but that is just my suggestion.

Hope that helps.

Greg West