View Full Version : A Reintroduction

Wuntu Menny
07-13-03, 12:15 PM
Greetings to all,

Its been some time since I frequented these forums so I thought I might post a refresher.

I've been involved in herp keeping on and off for 17 years with the last 6 years being fully immersed. While I have kept several snakes, they really don't hold my interest and I have become specialized in keeping herps of the four legged variety. Therefore, I would like to launch a campaign to rename this site Lizards.com! Well, it was worth a try...

I have kept and bred many species of chameleons from giant Oustalet's to R. spectrum with varying degrees of success. At the moment, geckos are the major component in our house. We are breeding Gehyra vorax at a ridiculous rate. Unfortunately, supply is exceeding demand and our house is becoming overrun with the little monsters.

The ubiquitous leopard geckos are incubating as are crested geckos and fire skinks. We also keep U. henkeli, a blue tongued skink by the name of Nestor, spider geckos, and a variety of insects. There is a long list of other species we have worked with, but I won't bore you with that now.

We are in Calgary, AB and always trying to expand and reinforce the network of Cdn herpers. Canadian content is one of my primary reasons for being here, as I'm weening myself from petty, vindictive behaviour on some other sites that shall remain nameless.

That's the condensed version, glad to be back. It looks like a fine group of mammals posting these days, I hope we can all benefit from each other's experience.


07-13-03, 01:04 PM
Greeting and welcome on board. My name is Chuck and I live the southeastern United States. My main interest is North American pit vipers, but I also know a little about giant pythons.

07-13-03, 01:04 PM
Hello, :) .

07-13-03, 07:07 PM
Welcome WM

07-13-03, 08:58 PM
Welcome, fellow Cow-Townian. :)

Tim and Julie B
07-13-03, 09:08 PM
Welcome Back!!!! Have a blast! Gotta love the Vorax!

07-13-03, 09:47 PM
welcome to ssnakess.com!!!

07-13-03, 10:10 PM
Hey...welcome back! :)

07-18-03, 05:40 PM
Welcome back Wuntu!

07-19-03, 11:35 AM
welcome to the site

Wuntu Menny
07-19-03, 12:13 PM
Hey Homey,

Got your email about the cresties, but there aren't any hatchlings yet. I'll be talking with a few more people in the next little while and keep you posted.


07-19-03, 04:09 PM
Sounds good :)


07-24-03, 10:08 AM
Originally posted by SCReptiles
Greeting and welcome on board. My name is Chuck and I live the southeastern United States. My main interest is North American pit vipers, but I also know a little about giant pythons.

chuck do you have that response written somewhere and just copy and paste it cause ive seen it word for word on a few of the introduction threads lol

07-24-03, 09:23 PM
Welcome again, as you can tell by my name im also interested in crested geckos, i currently have 5 babies but im always looking to add to my collection. If you have any hatchlings please give me a email or a PM.


07-26-03, 12:57 PM

07-26-03, 01:16 PM
hey, welcome to the site..you'll find a lot of info on here. There are a lot of educated people on this site. enjoy :)