View Full Version : Curious about scale rot

07-13-03, 10:02 AM
What causes scale rot? What does it look like? This isn't an issue with Hux, I just don't know much about it. :p

07-13-03, 11:16 AM
Scale rot is most commonly caused by an internal infection. However, there are some conditions which can cause SR. A nasty cage is also a cause of scale rot, and some people also believe that being too wet on the floor of the cage, as in spilled water(more than a little) can also contribute to scale rot. As to what it looks like, it is a brownish/reddish color, which is actually UNDER the scale. Good Luck, I hope your little guy never gets it.

07-13-03, 07:18 PM
our ball python after a month with scale rot has finally had a new shed and it is all gone. It was the at most disgusting site. His scales under looked all bloody, like dried blood, it was very dry and was gross looking. However with lots of care, he shed out of it.

07-14-03, 04:46 PM
I've never had to deal with it yet and I hope I never do. I'm glad your BP shed out of it lanalizard. Scale Rot sounds more dangerous than I thought it was.