View Full Version : Found a tick today

07-13-03, 02:19 AM
I was looking over my ball python today and noticed a small tick near is neck, i gently scrapped it off and searched for more. I didn't see any more. Is there anything i should do to make sure they don't come back? I cleaned the cage after finding the tick.
Also, he just shed a few days ago, but there is still some old skin left near is nose and at the tip of his tail, is it safe to remove this or will it go away by itself?



07-13-03, 09:42 AM
Yes, you need to remove the shed as soon as possible. The skin near the nose could restrict breathing, and the shed on the tip of the tail could constrict, causing him to lose blood flow which would cause that part to become necrotic and he would lose part of his tail. Also could cause an infection if it gets necrotic. So just take a warm, wet washcloth and gently rub the shed, it should come off no problem. As for the tick, how long have you had the snake? Most BP's with ticks were wild caught, and after you remove all ticks, they should not continue to be a problem. Good Luck!

07-13-03, 05:10 PM
I have had him for almost a month now, and haven't seen any ticks until now, i was told he is a CB, but with the problems i have had with him i am not sure any more. Thanks for the advice!