View Full Version : is it normal for snakes to shed like this

07-12-03, 02:17 PM
ive been waiting for my snake to shed this week when i went in to check on him there was little bits of old skin all over. I misted him down and the whole back half came away in one piece.http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/500/2559shedding002.bmp

07-12-03, 02:56 PM
i have no experience with snakes at all but on crocodile hunter, :) , there was a snake that did they same thing but it had cuts on its body and thats why it came off in peices. Does it have any cuts?

07-12-03, 03:03 PM
hey Coy, it is very normal for him to shed like that. I've never had any of my snakes have 1 full peice of shed. If your snake is very doctile and hasn't finished his shed, then you can try putting him in a tab of warm water, then just rubbing him and that will help remove the rest of the shed.

Love to see other Texans on this message board :)

07-12-03, 03:23 PM
Snakes normally shed in one piece, If your snake is not then there is some sort of problem eg; husbandry or animal illness.
If the humidity level in the tank is too low this can cause an improper shed and also dehidrated snakes do not always shed proper. Allways keep clean drinking water availlable for your snakes. these are only two reasons of many that cause improper shedding in snakes, but are the most common.
and yes warm water baths will help remove the old skin, but in the long run it is better to find the reason for the poor shed and fix it before you end up with bigger problems like retained eye caps and infections Jason

07-12-03, 03:26 PM
Conas- You have never had a snake shed in one piece? That is highly irregular. Snakes that are in proper conditions *always* normally shed in one piece. It's not very normal at all.

You should raise humidity around shed time, and/or offer the snake a humid place to hide in his enclosure.


07-12-03, 06:08 PM
I've never had any sheds that are not in one piece aside from a ball python shed that was in 2 because he dipped his head in the water bowl and ripped it while it was coming off lol. Always put a humid hide in with them when in shed and they will always have pretty good sheds from my experience.

07-12-03, 09:21 PM
boidkeeper suggested ringing out a warm towl, andplace it in a rubbermaid, then put the snake in, and fold it over him, and leave it over night. this is supposed to work every time. i have not tried it yet.

07-12-03, 09:45 PM
geez, a simple humid hide, a butter container with moist spagnum is fine.

07-12-03, 11:57 PM
got it thanks i think the humidity was low. he has plenty of water and i checked carfuly after his shed to make shure it was all off. this will help. because i have onother snake getting ready to shed. Ill make shure its plenty of humid. thanks all