07-10-03, 10:07 PM
I'm sssoooo happy today! :D I took a peek in one of my tupperwares of chameleon eggs late last night and they all looked pretty normal to me, but when I checked this morning they were all sweaty!
Here is baby #1 hanging out in the egg. That is a dime behind him. Sorry for the crappy pic.
And baby #1 taking his first steps!
Baby #2 had a bit of a hard time hatching today, so I had to assist a little bit...
But he (she?) came through and took their first steps too!
The third little chameleon didn't make it out of the egg. :( I guess that's just the way it is sometimes, but I've got 2 beautiful little woggley-eyed creatures to be proud of. I also have 2 other clutches of R. brevicaudatus eggs due sometime in August, and a few gravid females at the moment.
Here is one more pic of my 2 newest kids! :D LOL! Did I mention that I was a proud new mom?
Thanks for looking! A special thanks goes to a fellow ssnakess member (you know who you are) who believed I could do it.
Here is baby #1 hanging out in the egg. That is a dime behind him. Sorry for the crappy pic.
And baby #1 taking his first steps!
Baby #2 had a bit of a hard time hatching today, so I had to assist a little bit...
But he (she?) came through and took their first steps too!
The third little chameleon didn't make it out of the egg. :( I guess that's just the way it is sometimes, but I've got 2 beautiful little woggley-eyed creatures to be proud of. I also have 2 other clutches of R. brevicaudatus eggs due sometime in August, and a few gravid females at the moment.
Here is one more pic of my 2 newest kids! :D LOL! Did I mention that I was a proud new mom?
Thanks for looking! A special thanks goes to a fellow ssnakess member (you know who you are) who believed I could do it.