View Full Version : Columbian vs. Brazilian
07-10-03, 11:39 AM
Hi! I was wondering if anyone can tell me the differences in the columbian and the brazilian rainbows. I know the brazilians are more brightly colored. But other than that, are there differences in size, temperment, housing, etc.? Thanks for your help.
07-10-03, 11:46 AM
There are lots of knowledgable keepers here who can answer it better then me so I'll just give you my favorti Rainbow link and hope that it helps;)
Rainbow Page (
07-10-03, 11:50 AM
All I have ever heard is that Brazilians are slightly less forgiving of husbandry mistakes than the others (I think like 8 sub-species), but Jeff is the expert on this species lol.
Colombians are much smaller (4 - 6 feet) and slighly stockier than Brazilians. Brazilians require much higher humidity as well. Colombians can tolerate lower humidity levels much better. Both have excellent temperaments, however if I had to pick one, it would be the BRB. Occassionally you get a crotchety CRB, but this is not often.
The link takes you to a pic in the gallery of one of your corns :confused:
07-11-03, 02:15 AM
Linds is right. Totally.
Colombians are shorter and stockier (on average) and a little blander in colour. I find that they have greater irridescence than the Brazilians though. Not much, but its noticeable. Colombians also like it a little hotter and drier. Not much, but their niche in nature is just that much different than the cenchria cenchria.
Colombians also eat kind of differently. Not always, but most of the time (although my data size is relatively small), I find Colombians to strike less vigorously at their food. They have a GREAT feeding response, don't get me wrong. But they don't come flying out of the cage like the BRB's do. They kind of mouth the rat first and then if you wiggle, they take the attitude "well, if I HAVE to constrict, I guess I will". LOL! Its really neat. They remind me so much of Womas.
But yeah, they are both really great snakes with great qualities. They ARE the same species, so they can definitely be kept the same, no problems whatsoever. Its just a few nuances where either species can tolerate THEIR extreme ranges in temp and humidity a little better. But both species can thrive equally well in the middle range of cage environments.
Its actually amazing that they are the same species because they look so radically different. Check it out!
Jeff, about what you said about feeding... my CRBs had AMAZING strike responses. It always scared the crap out of me to go feed them, they really whammed hard into their prey!
*still shakes at the thought*.
lol you remember how I couldnt get them to breed? Will the girl who has em now said they are breeding like crazy. Just my luck! ooiy!
07-11-03, 03:27 AM
Ha ha, not to worry Zoe. Breeding them is the easy part. The hard part is getting the female to lay healthy babies!!!
07-11-03, 05:27 AM
Thank, everyone! You've been a great help. They do look totally different. But they are both beautiful, in their own way. Thanks again.
07-13-03, 10:04 AM
Thanks Linds. Not sure how I did that but it's fixed now.
Hey just A question do people cross-breed them if they are same species??
07-18-03, 03:00 AM
Yeah, its been done. Babies are very much unspectacular. Not worth it. No market for them. Colombians are cool because they are almost patternless and Brazilians are just perfect in every way, so you can't really improve on them.
But yeah, its been done. Nothing special.
07-18-03, 10:01 AM
What do CBB Columbian's go for?
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