View Full Version : How are the aussies today?
Hey Rick,Mark
Whats up dow there?
Since where the only ones around.
I'm busy in the garden, and rat barn today.
07-10-03, 10:00 AM
Hey Mardy, just playing with my new jungles. Love your silver coastal, there has to be some murray in it. Wish i could send you my female for ya.Maybe some day!When pigs can fly, lol.
Hi all.
raining here so I got half a day off :)
So what hapening people ? Its been dead here for a couple of days, wheres Jeff and Zoe ?? nobodys posting anything.
I will have a look around and see what I can find to post and liven things up a bit I think.
07-11-03, 01:56 AM
I'm here!
I'm in cognito, ha ha! :D
I wish I could get time off when it rains.
Jeff you would never have to work in your neck of the woods
if that was the
Does it rain a lot where you are Jeff ?
You got new snakes mark?
Dont be a hog, share em with us!!
I found a nice coastal today, a little female with a lovely pattern.
07-11-03, 07:55 AM
Hey Mudboy, have you seen my baby palmeston?
07-11-03, 07:57 AM
And here is another one from the same clutch, 7months old
Damn you guy's and your locale carpets....if only
They are lovely Mark.
Good colour and markings.
07-11-03, 08:03 AM
Thanks Guys, now where is your new coastal pic?
07-11-03, 08:04 AM
Mudboy, do you have those cape trib black/ivory jungles?
I spend all my money on snakes, I don't own a camera. I have to borrow my inlaws all the time.
I wish I had it this weekend, my Jag just shed and
feeding rabbits to the big females this weekend.
It should be fun.
Yeah Mark but only hatchlings.
I will look for a pic for ya mate
br right back
Oh I only have a ****** pic of the new girl but I will show ya and check out the stripe down the side.
07-11-03, 08:07 AM
Mardy, i spend all my money on snakes too, i picked up my ****** camera for $200 AUD, still it does the job.
I'm doing that myself very soon.
07-11-03, 08:11 AM
Cant wait Mardy.
Rick, i am so jealous, i cant find anyone who breeds them.
This is as close as i will get to black and white, and he isnt really black and white as he comes from Black and Yellow parents.
Oh do you guys have any lizards/turtles??
I got this one today out the back of the house
07-11-03, 08:13 AM
Nope, just pythons at the moment, i am in the process of buying my own house so i will build a large outdoor enclousure and get me some lace monitors!!Maybe even some perenties.
THat looks like one of my new females, but mine has side and dorsal stripe. Same colors
07-11-03, 08:14 AM
Wow, like just in the yard? You are so lucky, we only get blue tongues down here
Mark I really like lace monitors, my nile is about the size of an adult lace.
07-11-03, 08:16 AM
Yeah they are cool, i want to get some bell phase ones.
07-11-03, 08:19 AM
Mardy, when i lived in Singapore i got to keep exotics, like radiated tortoise, chameleon, local lizards, mangrove swamp snake, reticulated, vine snake, paradise tree snake, baby cobra and this little black snake that i didnt know what it was.
This is the only shot I have of em Mark.
I have a breeding pair of yearlings.
They came from Lindon Falls, about 180klms inland from Cairns.
07-11-03, 08:23 AM
WoWWee, i want! Do you have a permit to collect? You are my new best friend!LOL
I have in the past had chams,cobra,burmese,retics.
I have some tortoises still(they are so great)
Rick I'm coming down to build a shanty in your backyard
to live in.
Hey Mardy you would love my house I get Big *** lizards here all the time, as a matter of fact they are a pain in the butt.
Hang on I will see if I have a pic of em.
Um can I post pics of non snakes here or will I get in trouble >??
07-11-03, 08:27 AM
Hey Rick, do you know anyone who breeds Green Tree Pythons, i am trying to get them from a some WildLife Zoo up there.
Mardy start a new thread or this will blow out and take a long time for ya to load mate.
with the new pages were getting it's no a problem.
07-11-03, 08:30 AM
Do you sell them?If you do i would love to get a pair end of this year, i know some guys up in Cairns that got some early this year and tired of them bragging, haha.I got to hold a gravid one about a week ago, down here at Ultimate Reptiles.
This bugga is in our yard every day Mardy
We get these things right at our back door pinching our dogs food..
Sorry mate all mine are spoken for this year
If I get any left over you will be the first to know mate.
Be warned they dont travel well so if you order one from someone just be careful.
I have 3 breeding pair and 2 hatchlings from last year.
This is my male, or one of em
07-11-03, 09:00 AM
WoW!!! Ultimate reptiles have some that look like that, but i think yours have more blue. Much much do they go for Rick, if i were to get any i would fly down and get them myself.
I dont talk prices here Mark this is just fun for me.
I will email you with a price but they are all sold mate.
I know of a guy with some up here, I will check out his tomorrow for ya mate.
Hey mardy you like those dragons mate ??
Very cool, I'm not up to par on my monitors. What kind is it?
The little one is a lace and the big one is a jungle goanna
Thats it for me people its 1.10am im off to bed.
see ya all tomorrow.
Take it easy, thanks for the reply to my email.
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