View Full Version : How to figure out how many fish?

07-09-03, 11:36 PM
How do you know how many fish you can have in an aqaurium? I read only that its something like one inch per fish per gallon? That's seems a little "wives tale" ish to me but maybe its true....



07-09-03, 11:39 PM
It's true!! Anything more means there's a lot of ammonia being pumped out into the water and could compromise the health of all the tankmates.

07-10-03, 12:39 AM
It is an old wives' tale for the most part. Line up 10 neon tetras, and put those beside a 10" oscar....big diffence.

They key is really to use <i>mass</i> of fish, but I forget the calculation. Basically, the 1" of fish per gallon <i>sort of</i> works with itty bitty fish. Neons, harlequin rasboras, white clouds, etc etc.

But what I usually do is use common sense, and understock tanks. No reason to cram them into their tanks like sardines.

07-10-03, 01:41 PM
I totally agree. I want to avoid any overcrowding for sure!

Right now I have 6 fancy guppys (lol) in my ten gallon. That's all for fish. To me they seem very happy with the space but my boyfriend and I were talking about some neon tetras and I think I will wait until my guppys have lived out their lives then go for tetras. :) thanks


07-25-03, 08:23 PM
Probably a good idea. But, if your guppies are a mixed-sex group, watch out! Those things reproduce like bunnies! I started with two females and a male and I now have so many that I have to keep giving the babies away. But they sure are cute!

Chris Steele
07-25-03, 08:29 PM
I have been thinking of getting a fish tank. I also want some information on their breeding...Which common types have live birth? What do I do to protect the babies? Also I bought a book and have been reading alot in it trying to decide what kind/s to get, do you guys have any suggestions?