View Full Version : Anyone have ameivas?

07-09-03, 10:41 PM
I'm inheriting another lizard that someone's kid isn't taking care of anymore (seems to be happening to me a lot lately....). The new one is a tiger ameiva, and I should be getting it tonight at the same time I'm getting my new saharan uromastyx. Now, I know practically <i>nothing</i> about ameivas, and haven't found any stellar care sheets on the net yet..... can anyone give me a good outline as to what this critter is going to need? Or links to any care sheets? All I know right now is an approximate temp range, high humidity (no idea how high though), and that they will eat crix (are they omnivores or just insectivore/carnivores?) Basically, any info anyone can give me would be much appreciated...... (esp cage size.... what do I put this lizard in?!)
