View Full Version : Passed another slug?

07-09-03, 05:28 PM
One week ago I posted my corn laid some slugs. No bigge. And a few days later nothing more had been laid so we attempted to fed her. She was totally hungry and ate a large mouse.

But now today I just checked in there and she has passed another obvious slug when she went to the bathroom.

Is everything alright? I can just let her do her thing, or should I be doing something ?


07-10-03, 12:06 AM
If the slugs are not spreading her scales apart and causing a huge obstruction, then I wouldn't worry about it. I've had snakes pass slugs over a several month period, and if they are small and barely even noticeable in the snake, they usually cause no digestive trouble and get worked out eventually.
It's when you have huge, mostly fertile eggs stuck, that action must be taken, as they will interfere with eating and pooping and may cause other trouble including permanent damage to the reproductive tract.
Retained ova seems to be a big problem this year.
Almost every colubrid breeder I've talked to, has had an egg stuck in something or other.(me too)

07-10-03, 12:26 AM
Ya know what! You're so right Roy! We ourselves had 2 snakes retain eggs.

07-10-03, 12:51 AM
I had to really convince myself that my girls couldn't do the job on their own before I could interfere. I could see 3 or 4 slugs plugging up her bottom for 7 or 10 days.

With yours, it sounds like she's doing her thing. Unless she gets really backed up, I'd let her go...

07-10-03, 07:43 AM
That sounds like what mine did sort of. Two or three days before laying the clutch the defficated and passed a slug with it. It was a bite early for her to lay so I waited and it all worked out. This was clutch #2.
Keep us posted,

07-10-03, 01:39 PM
O.k. thanks for the infor and advice folks.

She definitly looks normal, not gravid looking at all, and hasn't been since the first clutch so I will let nature take its course!

thank you again!


07-12-03, 05:09 PM
Hi! O.k. she laid 13 total in this second clutch. All nasty yellow hard things except ONE! I think I found it much too late....can someone tell me what this little wrinkled ones chances are? I think very slim too none since I found him too late.

<img src="http://members.rogers.com/xaerion/2ndclutch.jpg">

I have it in damp very damp vermeculite with a damp paper towel on top *just in case* I am kicking myself for not seeing this clump until today. I know it was probably in fairly good condition yesterday.


07-12-03, 07:57 PM
yep, having to aspirate an egg this year did not make Rev a happy camper. Hopefully next year we will all avoid this little set back.