View Full Version : 1st clutch of king snake eggs...

07-09-03, 12:28 PM
my king snake laid 6 eggs yesterday, i've been into reptiles for quite some time now, but this is my first attempt at breeding, just wanna make sure i am doing everything right, anyways i have them in a container with airholes with moist vermiculite but not covered completely, 2 pairs of eggs are sticking together - i feel if i tried to unstick them they might ripe, so i left it, also one looks as if it may be a dud, but i left it in just to make sure.... i have them incubating at approx. 82 degrees

07-09-03, 12:40 PM
That sounds fine. What are you using for an incubator? There are a few methods out there but it sounds like you're going with a pretty standard one. It should work for you. :)

Good luck! :D

07-09-03, 12:42 PM
yeah i think its the one everyone uses....at least it was the most popular one i could find to build...the aquarium one with heater and bricks

07-09-03, 12:45 PM
That sounds good but you may want to pick up a Styrofoam fishing cooler and use that instead of the aquarium. The reason is that glass isn't a very good insulator. If you lost power for a few hours the temp in the cooler would drop a lot less than the temp in the aquarium.

But either way, people have had success... :)

07-09-03, 12:48 PM
thanx...i never thought of that, i think i will, clears up the use of an aquarium as well!!

07-09-03, 01:02 PM
Sounds good! If you want to see the styrofoam incubator just click on the camera next to my name. I have a step by step guide in there showing how to make one.
Congrats on the eggs,

07-09-03, 03:31 PM
this may sound dumb...but my thermometer has indoor/outdoor readings......i am assuming i am supposed to using the indoor readings.....i just want to make sure as it is 2 completely different readings.
thanx Boidkeeper for the guide!!

07-09-03, 04:37 PM
Right on LadyHawke! Best of luck with the babies-to-be.

07-09-03, 09:02 PM
On my thermometer, the indoor reading is of the room and the outdoor reading corresponds to the temp sensor that is on a wire. This is the one I place in the incubator, and I have the box on the table beside it.

I wish I could find one with a probe to read humidity. I have put the entire unit inside the incubator a couple times to get a good reading of humidity inside, but worry that it will be damaged by condensation dripping onto it.

best of luck with your kingsnake eggs

mary v.

07-09-03, 09:32 PM
Good stuff Ladyhawke :)

Hedgehog babie's King snake babie's what's next Maybe some Albino Burm babies.....lol
Best of luck to you


07-09-03, 09:57 PM
thanx everyone....and Brandon!! LOL i am starting out small and getting bigger, hoping to get into some boa breeding in the near future and hognoses especially, just wanna do the stuff thats good for beginers before getting into anything big
its soooo exciting!!