View Full Version : Checkered Garter Snake

07-09-03, 12:39 AM
I Just took a garter snake from my friend who couldn't care for him. I was wondering the encloser needs and food can they be trained to eat dead food?? He's is very nice and great for handling.
Thx, Anole

Hamster of Borg
07-09-03, 11:01 AM
In the wild, checkered garters are usually found in moderately moist areas near a permanent water source. In captivity they can be set up pretty much like any garter species - I use a 10 gallon with aspen or care fresh and a good sized shallow water bowl. As for feeding, the one I have started off only eating fish, but switched over to unscented, thawed mice within about the space of 4 feedings. They are not overly picky.


07-09-03, 01:30 PM
Okay thx for the help i have a 10 gallon set up for him