07-05-02, 12:55 PM
I cycled my carpets last breeding season and they bred with my normal male and a friends borrowed male in order to enhance breeding chances.. Unfortunelty, she never ovulated .. they were then seperated and that is the time that my normal male had died from the Flagyl overdose..
Anyway , long story made short .. I bought the other male out (hes 7 feet long almost 9 pounds or so) and i have caught them breeding 3 times so far (I did not quarantine since he was already in my collection a few weeks prior ~ I know I stilll should of though)..
Now my question is this .. what are the chances of her actually ovulating, she too is large (7 feet some - 8 pounds or so) and even producing eggs at this time of the year?
Any body ever succesfully done it with carpets or any other snakes on off breeding season?
Any help would be apreciated..
Tx everyone
I cycled my carpets last breeding season and they bred with my normal male and a friends borrowed male in order to enhance breeding chances.. Unfortunelty, she never ovulated .. they were then seperated and that is the time that my normal male had died from the Flagyl overdose..
Anyway , long story made short .. I bought the other male out (hes 7 feet long almost 9 pounds or so) and i have caught them breeding 3 times so far (I did not quarantine since he was already in my collection a few weeks prior ~ I know I stilll should of though)..
Now my question is this .. what are the chances of her actually ovulating, she too is large (7 feet some - 8 pounds or so) and even producing eggs at this time of the year?
Any body ever succesfully done it with carpets or any other snakes on off breeding season?
Any help would be apreciated..
Tx everyone