View Full Version : I caught my carpet python breeding????

07-05-02, 12:55 PM

I cycled my carpets last breeding season and they bred with my normal male and a friends borrowed male in order to enhance breeding chances.. Unfortunelty, she never ovulated .. they were then seperated and that is the time that my normal male had died from the Flagyl overdose..

Anyway , long story made short .. I bought the other male out (hes 7 feet long almost 9 pounds or so) and i have caught them breeding 3 times so far (I did not quarantine since he was already in my collection a few weeks prior ~ I know I stilll should of though)..

Now my question is this .. what are the chances of her actually ovulating, she too is large (7 feet some - 8 pounds or so) and even producing eggs at this time of the year?

Any body ever succesfully done it with carpets or any other snakes on off breeding season?

Any help would be apreciated..

Tx everyone

07-05-02, 01:18 PM
I think they where just having a good time, it would be very unlikely that anything happens this late in the year.....but hey stranger things have happened!!!

07-05-02, 07:44 PM
Snakes (and all reptiles) can breed anytime of the year. It may be unlikely only due to the fact that they may be on a different circadian rhythm, but fertile eggs (especially from neo-tropical snakes) can be obtained year-round. Good luck man. I hope you get some!!!

07-06-02, 12:49 AM
Ill cross my fingers for ya Dom.

07-06-02, 05:15 AM
Thanks a lot guys!

I doubt it though .. even with the whole cycling It did not succesfully work .. so I doubt Just by putting a male and a female together she willl ovulate..

Although I'd love if those snakes would prve me wrong..

take care guys

07-06-02, 05:17 AM
You say its unlikely and I agree...

My question is - is it unlikely for them to breed or is it unlikely for them to sucessfully produce ..

Hence if they breed, are your chances as great as if they had been fully cycled..



07-06-02, 09:44 AM
I wasn't saying that it would be unlikely for them to breed, because you already stated that they were. No sense calling you a liar. If you say they were breeding, I believe you.

07-07-02, 06:11 PM
Lol Jeff..

I was not impliing it in that sense at all! Ever since all the negative post ppl seem to take to many things personally and as attacks..

It was really a question .. as in .. Is it unlikely that snakes breed off season .. or that snakes produce off season ???

Also, if they do breed off season are the chances as high as it would be in a cycled snake to produce viable offspring..

I did not feel attacked .. on the contrary i appreciate the reply...

This is not a problem that would accured a few weeks to month ago ..

Take care Jeff and all..


07-07-02, 06:45 PM
I just re-read my post and it seemed like I was attacking you!! Ha ha, I assure you that that wasn't the case either!!

I meant that it was unlikely to result in fertile eggs. But snakes show interest in breeding at all times. Before cycling, during cycling, after cycling, etc etc. Its just that the most success (read: fertile eggs or viable babies) seems to take place after a cycling period.

Having said that, I think it would rule if you got fertile eggs in a couple of months. Think of them as next-year's babies and how much further ahead they'd be!! Ha ha

Take care buddy.

Jeff Favelle