View Full Version : new ball

07-08-03, 02:25 PM
hi i just got a new ball python and i was wondering if my temps were ok 74.1 on the cool side 87.6 on the how with a basking spot of 98 and a humididty of 61%??
Well Thanks alot

Colonel SB
07-08-03, 02:31 PM
Sounds good to me!

07-08-03, 06:52 PM
Your basking spot is way too high. You should only be using a 60 watt light.

07-08-03, 07:04 PM
60 W? I'm getting my first bp in about a week, and I'm planning to use a 100w bulb, but it would be clamped to the side of the tank and wouldn't be pressed directly on it. Still too hot? Sorry to change the subject! :o)

07-09-03, 10:15 AM
Well on all the caresheets that I read using just a very high wattage light to heat the cage will dry your ball python out. I use a 60watt with an underground heater and that does the trick. I also raise the humidity by putting the waterbowl above the ugh.

07-09-03, 11:39 AM
The wattage of the bulb all depends on the depth of the enclosure and how far away the bulb is going to be from the substrate, in many cases a 60 watt bulb isn't going to cut it.

07-09-03, 12:09 PM
Thank you Dev Man.
Poeple you can't recomend bulbs with out knowing how big the cage is. Put a 60w bulb on a 10g for fun to see what happens.
Baller; you should also have a water bowl on the cool side too. Sometimes the snake will soak in it to cool off.
Dan2492 can you give me some info about your set up please. What size cage is it, what type of heating equipment are you using? Most importantly what are you using to measure the temp and humidity? Your info is only as good as your tools. There is no need to guess with this stuff to do it right you need to know what is going on in the cage and to do that you need the right tools. If you don't have one yet I would suggest getting a digital thermometer with a remote probe that has a max/min memory.