View Full Version : Lighting

07-08-03, 12:52 PM
If its the summer and the chameleon gets some sunlight all day do u still have to leave the heating like on even thought the sun is lighting him?

07-08-03, 01:50 PM

Where will the cage be?

07-08-03, 02:13 PM
the cage is gonna be near the window in the summer but the winter im moving it away from the window so i chameleon wont freeze

07-08-03, 02:25 PM

It wont do much good! The glass in the windows will filter out all of the UVB rays from the sun. If the cage is indoors you will most likely have to provide some heat and you will still need a UVB bulb. Hope this helps!

07-08-03, 02:37 PM
ooo alrite but its ok to put him near the window rite?

07-08-03, 03:09 PM
meow_mix450 -

Yes you can, just watch the temps. Hope this helps!

07-22-03, 06:35 AM
And if it's really warm out you can open the window to let some of the good light in, and they love to be taken outside...if you have a mesh inclosure you can just bring the entire thing out for a few hours. Mine love it! *just watch out for big animals that may attack!*

07-24-03, 03:07 AM

I strongly advise against putting a chameleon near a window regardless of the weather. I know people that have lost chameleons both to freezing to death and cooking to death because they were by a window and couldn't escape the tempurature. Not a good idea at all. Just bring his cage outside for half an hour or an hour two or three times a week while you're out there with him, I'd suggest spraying him with warm water while you're out there so he can thermoregulate better.



07-24-03, 11:15 AM
wow thats a bummer thanks

07-24-03, 12:14 PM
I haven't had a problem with him being near the window, i guess it depends on the climate in your area! I check the weather every morning just to make sure it's suitable!