View Full Version : Aaqurium stand ideas??

07-08-03, 09:10 AM

I just purchased a 130 gallon aquarium that I will be using for a savannah monitor. Therefore, the aquarium will not be holding any water. I want to build a wooden stand for this futur viv' but considering the size and extreme weight of the glass, I would like to have some ideans on what type of wood to use and construction to make.
The aquarium measures 6 ft long X 19inches deep X 2 ft high.

Thatnks for your healp, it will be cery appreciated!


07-08-03, 10:01 AM
If you build the base like a stud wall all the way around, with finished wood (ply) cladding on the outsides, you could devote the space underneath to drawers and/or cupboards for storage...

07-16-03, 03:27 PM
Seeing as your tank will not be holding water, you should have no problem building even a simply sturdy support. I built my own stand for my 150 REEF TANK, which holds Water, 300 pounds of and over 100 lbls of sand. Always build on the safe size and over do your supports. Its piece of mind.


07-16-03, 09:49 PM
You might consider using 4X4's for the legs and 2X4's on edge for the top and bottom.