View Full Version : What does the **** look like?

07-07-03, 10:46 PM
What does the **** of a snake look like. Is it green? Because i fed my snake on wednesday (second time since i got him) and there are two small green lumps size of a nail of something. Also b4 it took a dump (i suppose) it was inactive, and now its everwhere around the tank.

07-07-03, 10:56 PM
Green poop is not good. It was once thought that it was a sign of IBD. I'm not sure now though, but I know its not normal.

07-07-03, 11:01 PM
Better get it to a vet and have a fecal done. I would also place it in quarantine and make sure you wash your hands after handling too! You don't want what ever it may have spreading to anything else.
Good luck,

07-07-03, 11:53 PM
What do you think it is?
Is it something to do withthe foosd it mice it ate?

07-08-03, 12:47 AM
No it has to do with your snake probably being wild caught and having nasty parasites flowing throughout its innards.

07-08-03, 12:43 PM
Is this bad, will i get worse, what are the affexcts. i need to knoe more info on this. WHats IBD?
Place it in a quarantine?

07-08-03, 12:55 PM
what are the affexcts
If it does have internal paracites and it's left untreated....death.

This is one of the reasons not to keep two together. If you take home a health snake and put it in with this snake the parasites and dease can spread to the other snake and instead of one sick snake you have two. Quarantine means keep it away from anything else in your collection. Your best course of action is to take it the vet and get shots for both internal and external paracites.
IBD is inclusion body dease. If your snake has it it will be dead in about a month. If it starts to stare at the sky and lose control of motor movments put it in the freezer and then dispose of the remains.
Good luck,

07-08-03, 04:51 PM
Hey, so do you think there is something really bad with my snake. Its my first snake, just got it 2 weeks ago. Im starting to hate them now (because of this). You guys scare me with all those disease thing. What should i do? How much will it cost to take it to the vet?

And what do you mean by this?

If it starts to stare at the sky and lose control of motor movments put it in the freezer and then dispose of the remains

07-08-03, 04:51 PM
Hey, so do you think there is something really bad with my snake. Its my first snake, just got it 2 weeks ago. Im starting to hate them now (because of this). You guys scare me with all those disease thing. What should i do? How much will it cost to take it to the vet?

And what do you mean by this?

If it starts to stare at the sky and lose control of motor movments put it in the freezer and then dispose of the remains :(

07-08-03, 07:18 PM
Don't hate the snake because it might have parasites, take the advise and get him to a vet before it is too late. If you plan on keeping the snake then do what has to be done..

BTW...did you get your digital thermometer and thermostat yet to get the hot temp in check..that could still be a contributing factor..

What Trevor means is just what he says.. the snake can die if you has a parasitic infection and/or IBD. You stand a high risk of your other snakes picking it up. Get that snake out of and as far away from the other snakes as possible. IBD is like AIDS for snake...

I don't mean to come down on you... but you have to do more reading, listen to and act on the advise you are being given for the health of your pet. You may have a serious problem here and I don't know how people can tell you any clearer....get your snake to the vet !!!!! or give your snake to someone who will care for it...

07-08-03, 07:37 PM
nough said.

07-09-03, 09:29 PM
Well Anyways today a while ago i found some normal poop. This one was poop, it even smelled like it. Well it was brown, somewhat like black. Before i said that i found some green stuff in the tank. i thought it was poop. I now think it wasnt poop (now that i saw this poop), and the one before had some white stuff on it. Todays really look like poop and even smells like it. Well what could have the green stuff been, i dont think it was poop. Ive just had my snake for 2 weeks so didnt know what it was. So now i think Roco dosent have parasites after all , because the poop looked normal.

Well Anyways i fed it just 5 minutes ago and it ate good for the 3rd time feeding it. It ate a mice about the size of its width. Well Laterz

07-10-03, 02:58 AM

You just don't get it. People try to tell you what the consequences are but you don't listen. Just because he had a "normal" poop, doesn't mean that everything is good. Take the "normal" poop to the vet and MAKE SURE it IS normal...you are not out of the woods on this until the Vet says so.