View Full Version : Lizards

07-07-03, 07:45 PM
Hi all!

I have two Southern Fence Lizards that I absolutely adore. These little girls have had me wrapped around their little lizzie toes since I got them around Easter. :rolleyes: Well, they've certainly captured my interest, as have other lizards. I am interested in getting other species, but I just don't know what to get! I want something that is *slightly* larger than the SFL's (they're about 7"), doesn't mind being handled/non-aggressive. My girls aren't "aggressive," but they do NOT like being picked up or stroked. Is there any such thing as a Texas Spiny Lizard? Or did I just make that up? :p I believe I've seen a picture of one of these before...does anyone have information on these?

Thank you!!
Alice :zi:

07-07-03, 10:59 PM
Leopard Geckos. They can live in a 20 gal tank and are quite cheap. Just look on google for caesheets and you will find all you need. Good luck!

07-08-03, 05:30 AM
leapord geckos, mali uromastyx, bearded dragon, blue tongued skink, giant plated lizard - most of those are more than just slightly larger, tho.

07-09-03, 10:11 PM
:cool: I would go with African Fattail geckos as they have a very sweet personality and dont mind being handled at all, then the leopard gecko, then the bearded dragon....:cool:

07-11-03, 01:30 AM
You sound like you might want a beardie! Or, if you don't have the money for a 50+ gallon tank, UV bulbs, and TONS of bugs... get a leopard gecko! You should be able to get all the stuff you need for under $75 USD, plus the cost of the gecko (you should be able to get a normal for under $30 USD from a breeder), and food would be $10 a month or so...

So, you should be able to get set up with a leo for under $100, but a bearded dragon would be considerably more, but probably more what you're looking for in terms of attitude.
Leos get about 7"-9", and beardeds get about 18"... I find beardeds a little easier and a little more handlable than leo's, and have a better personality, but, of course, both are EXCELLENT begginer lizards (probably the most reccomended lizards for begginers)
Check the two forums on these lizards on the site...

07-11-03, 09:33 PM
i would deffinetly have to agree with the leopard geckos if your looking for calm and hardy. If you have the room though, GET A URO :) there the best lizards ever...i have 2 myself and i cant get enough of watching them run around the tank. The reason i dont really like leopards is because they only come out at night so you dont seem them much but uro's are very active, nice, and playful.
But there quite expensive and take a fair amount of maintenence.
good luck on whatever you end up gettin :)