View Full Version : Male red hoggie

Scales Zoo
07-07-03, 06:51 PM
We have a pair, and are crossing our fingers for a clutch as big as Unkie Roy's next year. http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/500/763rep10.jpg

07-07-03, 07:20 PM
Wow -- gorgeous!! :D

Simon R. Sansom
07-08-03, 09:21 AM
That's really an exceptional specimen. You have a pair of them? That's awesome.

Good luck with them. I'll likely want a pair.

Thanks for sharing.

07-08-03, 08:13 PM
The red's a really nice. What are the regular colours for this species?

Scales Zoo
07-08-03, 08:48 PM
Hi Simon.

I'm glad you like the snakes, I have drooled over pictures of your colubrids in the past.

In total, we have 5.2.2 hognose snakes. These 1.1 were purchased as "tomato red", and they both keep getting more red with age.

I will definitely let you know if we get eggs next year.

Ryan and Sheila

Scales Zoo
07-08-03, 08:49 PM
Hi Lisa.

This is just a really nice colored Western Hognose snake. Their colors vary in the wild quite a bit depending where they are found.

Generations of selectively breeding the reddest babies from really red adults is probably what produced our 2.


07-08-03, 09:17 PM
Whatever you call it, it's gorgeous Ryan.It almose looks Hypo to me. I ditto
Simon's comments. There's a few of us Nasicus lovers around. My first hogs of 03 are hatching right now.
Best Regards

Scales Zoo
07-11-03, 12:40 AM
You know, when we got them I thought they must be hypo.

When I looked into it, I was told that hypo's don't have any checkers on their bellies, just white.

---Ok, just came back after looking on the net and edited this message. I saw belly pictures of hypos on the albinohognose site, and they do not have white bellies.----

Like you say, whatever I call it, they are beautiful.

"Ryan's Red hoggies"
"Scales screamin Red hots"

Terry P. used that hognose picture for our website. The original picture makes the snake look nicer, but they do look nicer in person than in any picture.


Scales Zoo
07-11-03, 12:48 AM
O.K, yes they are definitely hypo hognose snakes.

Just checked a U.S site, they go for $1000 U.S.

Now taking deposits for next years, or the year after that, babies.

Just kidding. (hypos are infact for sale for $1000 U.S though)

I've been thinking of getting into albino hognose snakes, and introducing these red ones to the mix.

Thinking of it, no one has made "sunglow hogs" (that I have heard). Like sunglow boas, the true hypos and albinos should make nice crosses.

I am going to breed our male to a normal female, and grow the babies. I'm guessing we will get some normals that are a bit redder than normal, no recessive hets or co-dominant traits.

Hopefully I'm wrong about that - I guess.


07-11-03, 02:02 AM
That snake simply rules guys. Holy moly! :D

07-21-03, 08:14 PM
wow. what a beutiful snake