View Full Version : Can you put more than one in a tank?
07-07-03, 04:18 PM
Hey Whats Up Peoples.
I have a ball python, that i got like a month ago. Well yesterday I went to a pet shop to take a look at some reptiles. They were closed. But i was thinking of getting another snake. I want another snakes because i think one isnt enough. Well i want to know if you could put 2 or more snakes (ball python) in the tanks together? Will they fight? Is this a good idea or no? I want you guys to tell me and help me out. Also i dont know if its a male or female. What if i get another of the same? What would they do
07-07-03, 04:30 PM
people in this forum told me it was a bad idea, but the breeders i bought from said they would do just fine, and my friend has two bp's in one tank, and they are fine, just seperate when feeding.
07-07-03, 04:34 PM
They have all he ball python together at the pet store. Si i think they would do ok. But im dtill not sure. If i get another one ill probably get it next week Thanks
i say it's fine to keep them in the same cage. Make sure it's not like a 10 gal or anything unless they are babies. And yes, do seperate them when you are feeding.
07-07-03, 05:45 PM
They are in the same tank at the pet store because they are probably from the same clutch. So they were together all there life.
I have posted this same conversation is seems many times. Everyone has suc h nice things to say about housing together that I will add some FACTS...oh btw doing as a pet store does is CERTAINLY hardly ever the right thing.
Fact 1= If a snake you purchased and housed with another snake is sick, you will not be able to tell who is ill by poop, and because you had to house together you know have potentially TWO sick snakes which means TWO vet visits.
Fact 2= Snakes are solitary creatures. You housing them together is for your own benefit, NOT the animals. There is not one reason to hosue snakes together aside from human reasons, which when keeping animals should always be avoided.
Fact 3= Early breeding. I am not sure about Ball Pythons but for many female snakes of other species this can be fatal.
Fact 4= There are TONS of facts pointing to why you should not house together, but not one pointing to why you should.
Make your own choice, but please, do so for the animals benefit, not your own reasons (i.e. cheaper, "cute' whatever they may be)
07-07-03, 10:33 PM
In my opinion, which I'm basing on things I've read and things that I know large breeders do, I feel that snakes should never be housed together. Here are some points that I keep in mind and reasons why I do not house snakes together.
1. The presence of another animal in their space represents competition, competition leads to stress.
2. Stress leads to loss of appetite and or disease.
3. If one sick gets sick they can both get sick.
4. How do you know who is defecating and who is not?
5. Snakes are not social animals so although captivity its self is not natural forcing two animals to live together is even more unnatural.
Now keeping two different species together can open up a whole new kettle of fish. Different species can be more susceptible to different diseases. Also they can differ in heat and humidity requirements.
Although you often see young snakes housed together in pet stores, it is because of lack of space. They are usually sold off individually and are never meant to be kept this way long term. Unfortunately, it gives the wrong impression that snakes need a companion. Also,when seeing a tank full of hatchlings it is easy to forget how big they will be as adults and the size of enclosure they will need. Marisa and Boidkeeper made excellent points as to the pit falls of keeping more than one bp in the same enclosure. So although they are beautiful snakes (my personal favorite:-), If you do get a second one, I would definitely keep separately.
07-08-03, 09:22 AM
07-08-03, 12:23 PM
I have a big big vission casge that i house my 3' aalbino and my 3" wc aka my first ball. They are doing great together. Its your choice feed them seprate and use a big cage other wise they will be problems
07-08-03, 12:45 PM
Alright Guys, Thanks For your help, I guess i wont put 2 in a same cage.
07-14-03, 12:12 PM
I think it would be alright to put two in the same cage.....but like killaclown said, it would have to be HUGE. Double or even tripple the size of the cage that you would normally get for one ball python. Just remember, keep the snake happy, and everyone's happy! lol
People need to remember when looking at pet stores, that this is just -temporary- housing for the animals. Trevor and Marisa covered most of the main concerns associated with housing multiple snakes so I won't repeat them. However one aspect that hasn't been mentioned, even if you did make the choice to house them together, you still need to quarantine for 6 months (possibly more) before they could be housed together.
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